
test assumption in a sentence

1) Honestly testing assumptions is especially difficult in hard economic times.

2) The team members develop a prototype system to test assumptions.

assumption collocations
3) We launched multiple experiments to test assumptions we made.

4) No lab animals were endangered to test these assumptions.

test assumption example sentences

5) The study is about testing a common-sense assumption .

6) They also provide more detailed guidance on how to test big assumptions.

7) For the BTIN method, Brian wanted to test this assumption.

8) Gee's colleagues got the chance to test that assumption within a year.

9) Can those assumptions be tested ?

10) There are statistical methods to empirically test that assumption, see the above Normality tests section.

11) These preparedness assumptions were tested during the 2009 outbreak and required real-time reassessment and modification of response strategies.

12) We tested the assumption that most patients with presenile Alzheimer's disease are eventually admitted to psychiatric hospital.

13) If the model is overidentified, there is information available which may be used to test this assumption.

14) HaavioMannila set out to test the assumption that wives share the same status ranking as their husbands.

example sentences with assumption

15) One cannot test that assumption by looking at the math; one must establish it in experiment.

16) This group is successful because it is then able to link its tested assumptions to useable information and achieve its goals.

17) Using experimentation, we test the assumptions and requirements to discover their validity, when it's cheapest to do so.

18) The way to solve that sort of problem is to rethink what we are doing, every step, test every assumption.

19) A study was created to test this assumption in which the patients were trained to throw a bean bag at a target.

20) How can we test those big assumptions so as to disturb our immunity to change and make possible new learning and change?

21) Only by continually testing assumptions about the future can the longer-term innovation platforms stay calibrated to coming market conditions and new consumer needs and values.

22) It is the group that tests assumptions and then proceeds down a path that the tested assumptions say will not work, usually because it never has in the past.

23) It is the group that tests assumptions and then proceeds down a path that the tested assumptions say will not work, usually because it never has in the past.

24) It is this invitation for the viewer to be part of the conversation that is essential, testing assumptions, interacting with the messages, challenging beliefs that help one shape new outcomes.

25) The work accounts for or tests the important assumptions underlying Hamblin and Kyneur, and analyses the biophysical and socioeconomic reasons for the dismal long-term trends we found.

26) These headings were then broken down to test the assumptions by critical analysis, country by country identifying the common European factors and the variables.

27) PMI's PMBOK states "cost estimates should be reviewed and refined during the course of the project to reflect additional detail as it becomes available and assumptions are tested .

28) To test the assumption on the scale of ecosystems, the team developed a new mathematical theory that assesses the relative importance of several hypothesised drivers of net primary productivity.

29) A Defra statement published in October 2012, stated that "The aim of this monitoring is to test the assumption that controlled shooting is a humane culling technique.

30) As Patrizi writes: "Once assumptions a theory of change are laid out, 1) foundations don't actually test those assumptions, and 2) they don't see using the model as a continuous process.

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