
test ability in a sentence

1) The photo shoot again tests the models ability to remain focused.

2) It tests the ability to make sensible guesses.

3) It only really tested computational ability .

test ability example sentences

4) Their intellectual abilities were also tested .

5) This idea of testing the child's ability to function seems reasonable enough.

6) He also invented the Galton Whistle for testing differential hearing ability .

7) We also tested the separation ability of the various dust collectors and cyclones.

8) This tested the ability of visual short term memory in identifying two individual patterns.

9) Wily explains that he created King simply to test Bass' abilities .

10) The operation tested the division's ability to act as a rapid deployment force.

11) This study tested the ability of pectin-containing whole foods to lower blood cholesterol levels.

12) The Storm Realm tests a driver's ability to focus and avoid visual distractions.

13) IELTS tests the ability to , read, write and speak in English.

14) Free response essays test a student's ability to develop and properly support an argument.

15) It did not test the browser's ability to block malicious web pages or code.

use test ability in a sentence

16) Laurence and Perry conducted a study testing the ability to induce memory recall through hypnosis.

17) Zoo Map - tests the ability to plan while following a set of rules.

18) The MNIST database is commonly used for testing systems' ability to recognize handwritten digits.

19) The most reliable way to test a driver's ability is still a road test.

20) Vacuum chambers are used to test the ability of a package to withstand low pressures.

21) Scientific experiments that test the preventive intervention programs ability to prevent the problem under favorable conditions.

22) Now, it's time to test the Wizarding abilities of these recruits.

23) More specialised tests may be used to test ability to perform a particular job or role.

24) It tests candidates's ability in non-numerical Physics and aptitude in basic arts and design.

25) In one study, the effects of gender stereotypes on children's mathematical abilities were tested .

26) Look for Jean Beausejour to be testing the aerial ability of Norwich 's defenders.

27) Claustrophobia – tests a student's ability to work with their equipment in confined spaces.

28) To test the ability of synthetic signals to replicate or disrupt normal behaviour in semi-natural environments.

How to use test ability in a sentence

29) Section A, guided writing, tests the student's ability in functional or situational writing.

30) The event tests the ability of teams to churn out great designs from heaps of scrap.

31) One study decided to test the cognitive abilities of participants in rave parties who used multiple substances.

32) The Lava Realm tests a driver's ability to master the dexterity of their wheels.

33) The goal of the NIHSS was to accurately measure holistic neurological function by individually testing specific abilities .

34) Importantly, it is those test s that test abstract reasoning ability that show the steepest improvements.

35) These essays test the ability to compose effective prose and to communicate ideas to an intended audience.

36) The Metro Realm tests the driver's ability to break as smoothly as possible and increase traction.

37) To test this ability , the researchers created a field of fake flowers that they could manipulate.

38) Their abilities are tested as they investigate the brutal murder of Rose, an American Classics student.

39) As English is already tests in GAT, PAT tests candidates' ability in other modern languages.

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