
tense atmosphere in a sentence

1) But today the tense security atmosphere was obvious.

2) There was suddenly a very, very tense atmosphere.

atmosphere collocations
3) In the tense atmosphere, small incidents could easily escalate.

4) I felt a tense atmosphere of anxiousness build between us.

tense atmosphere example sentences

5) It all made for a curiously tense atmosphere on Saturday afternoon.

6) It is delicate, with a hushed, tense atmosphere.

7) The two attacks have added to a tense atmosphere in Jerusalem.

8) Thus, trainees devoted themselves to the practice in a tense atmosphere.

9) His outrage and criticism led to a tense atmosphere between London and Dublin.

10) There was a full moon that night which added serenity to the tense atmosphere.

11) On the heels of the increasingly tense atmosphere, the parish of Sts.

12) The conflict created a tense, clique-like atmosphere in the Sabres' clubhouse.

13) As described above, however, the particularly tense atmosphere of late is not exceptional.

14) Humour, too, can be a way of breaking a tense atmosphere.

example sentences with atmosphere

15) It was in this tense atmosphere that the Prince of Wales decided to visit India.

16) He studied under a tense atmosphere, because the school was militarized by a colonial order.

17) In the tense atmosphere, some 40,000 Filipinos fled Manila within a period of 15 days.

18) These take place in a very tense atmosphere generated by the representatives secretly chosen by these regimes.

19) Peled's parliamentary term coincided with the tense atmosphere of the outbreak of the First Intifada.

20) In this tense atmosphere the usually tolerant Thais forsook their normal friendliness and began a religious persecution.

21) No tries were scored during the match but this did not diminish the tense atmosphere and climactic finish.

22) The riot occurred in the racially and politically tense atmosphere of post-World War I northeastern Oklahoma.

23) I can vividly remember the tense atmosphere prevailing amongst all Washington crews during December 1952 and January 1953.

24) He was also distressed by the increasingly sour and tense atmosphere that was characteristic of the recording sessions.

25) Filming began in a tense atmosphere as Gable and Colbert were dissatisfied with the quality of the script.

26) The minute she had entered the room a grim, tense atmosphere had fallen over the Queen's solar.

27) After the War ended on November 11, 1918, the tense atmosphere exploded during the summer of 1919.

How to use atmosphere in a sentence

28) Bored or tense atmosphere.

29) Holloway's first-person narrative of combat action conveys the tense atmosphere of hostile fire and the urgency of command decisions.

30) As the 1968 Democratic National Convention approached, events throughout the nation combined to create a tense atmosphere in Chicago.

31) The tense atmosphere at home may lead the husband to go out drinking with friends, which creates even more problems.

32) She tried not to even consider the soft swell of his expressive mouth, and gabbled on to break the tense atmosphere.

33) On September 25, 1828 an attempt to assassinate BolĂ­var failed, but it illustrated the tense political atmosphere in Gran Colombia.

34) There's this tense atmosphere and an underlying feeling that any moment one of these congressmen is just going to attack another.

35) On descending, I found the kitchen on the brink of pandemonium, and in general, an extremely tense atmosphere amongst all levels of staff.

36) The guests were never less than courteous to one another, but for all that, a rather tense atmosphere, characterized largely by distrust, seemed to prevail at this stage.

37) Overall, visuals and battlefield sound fidelity are superb, serving to draw you into the tense, ceaseless atmosphere throughout the course of the battle.

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