
temporary aberration in a sentence

1) Probably a temporary aberration , but what a beauty!

2) He saw the omission as a symptom of a temporary aberration .

3) Is this a temporary aberration or a new trend within Pakistan?

temporary aberration example sentences

4) Some temporary psychological aberration , perhaps?

5) He viewed racist policy in South Africa as a temporary characteristic aberration , rather than a permanent tendency.

6) It would be great to bounce back from a temporary aberration and get into the Third Division.

7) I used to assume history and memory would always triumph over temporary aberrations and return to their rightful place.

8) These differences result in conflict being a common and persistent feature of society, and not a temporary aberration .

9) His latest examination from Pakistan will reveal whether it was a temporary aberration or the start of a gentle decline.

10) In another, it's a temporary aberration , the straight film he needs to do just to prove he can.

11) Lester Brown, the head of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, DC, calls the food mountains of the 1980s a ' temporary aberration ' which will soon run out.

12) On waking, it occurred to her with renewed conviction that the experience of two days before might have been no more than a temporary aberration of an exhausted mind.

13) Soon after her youngest son left for school, Mrs. Crane began suffering what the "Asbury Park Shore Press" reported as "a temporary aberration of the mind.

14) According to one of her biographers, Charlotte Chandler (2007), she had at first considered the Nazis only a " temporary aberration , 'too foolish to be taken seriously.

15) Is there a way know for sure whether the spending spread really has widened, or is this just a temporary aberration that grabbed your attention but may not mean anything?

use temporary aberration in a sentence

16) However , the fear was unfounded; the drought and associated high temperatures were a temporary aberration caused by El NiƱo cycles, not global warming.

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