
temporarily abandon in a sentence

1) These treatments have both been abandoned temporarily in the past.

2) Finally the defenders capitulated and Rochester castle was abandoned temporarily .

3) After his funding ran out, he temporarily abandoned his research.

temporarily abandon example sentences

4) Formentera was even temporarily abandoned by its population.

5) Rodriguez had cruised until seventh , when his command temporarily abandoned him.

6) Hogan took her backstage to receive medical attention, temporarily abandoning Savage.

7) He may choose to temporarily abandon his powers (including immortality).

8) temporarily abandoning her dream, Parks entered Mt.

9) The victory forced Cornwallis to temporarily abandon his invasion of North Carolina.

10) The survivors were so alarmed and weakened that they temporarily abandoned the settlement.

11) Even though he'd temporarily abandoned painting, his creative impulse never abated.

12) Delays of BMW 801 engine deliveries forced the project to be temporarily abandoned .

13) temporarily abandoning Rei for the moment, he walked over to Lazarus.

14) At Tucson, the Mexican defenders temporarily abandoned their positions and no conflict ensued.

15) The farm is temporarily abandoned .

16) The settlement was temporarily abandoned until 1743, when the Dutch returned and repaired it.

17) However he was killed during a rebellion in 1808 and Mahmud II temporarily abandoned the reforms.

18) Pakistan has also temporarily abandoned talks on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan–Pakistan–India pipeline with India.

use temporarily abandon in a sentence

19) If labor migrants have children, these minors may be temporarily abandoned while their parents are abroad working.

20) She let her hair color return to black and temporarily abandoned the wild image she used to have.

21) Others reoccupied old campsites abandoned temporarily , or prepared ahead of time as part of the movement rotation.

22) The gold standard was temporarily abandoned during the First World War and definitively abolished on April 10, 1933.

23) Having broken the rail links, Grant temporarily abandoned the city to allow his troops to concentrate on Vicksburg.

24) He temporarily abandoned politics after Aureliano Coutinho's fall from grace and the subsequent dissolution of the Liberal Party.

25) Her financial adviser, Mr John Bryan, had temporarily abandoned his horizontal summary of the European exchange rate mechanism.

26) The idea was abandoned temporarily , and Holcroft served in the subsequent campaign that led to the Burning of Edinburgh.

27) Although the space was temporarily abandoned owing to the flames, the fire was brought under control and extinguished shortly thereafter.

28) The conscription portion of the Nizam-ı Cedid (New System) was temporarily abandoned , as consequence of this mutiny.

How to use temporarily abandon in a sentence

29) In composing his score, Mahler temporarily abandoned the more progressive tonal elements which had appeared in his most recent works.

30) Mr Clinton this week temporarily abandoned his cosy, common touch and wrapped himself in the full trappings of the presidency.

31) Harassment over a period of time by predators entering particular warrens will undoubtedly force the rabbits to temporarily abandon their homes.

32) When several Dja Dja Wurrung died on the reserve at Franklinford in 1841, many of them temporarily abandoned the place.

33) Pip, the timid black boy, is temporarily abandoned in the sea during another whale chase which drives him to madness.

34) Women's fashions followed classical ideals, and tightly laced corsets were temporarily abandoned in favor of a high-waisted, natural figure.

35) The "Steve Irwin" temporarily abandoned its pursuit of the whalers to escort the "Brigitte Bardot" back to Australia.

36) Van Vogt temporarily abandoned writing and became the head of the newly established Los Angeles branch of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation.

37) For some reason they temporarily abandoned the title of assistant professor and introduced this faculty instructor, which, as I recall, was a five-year appointment.

38) For the most part the houses had been temporarily abandoned , the settlers having congregated in a few strategically located homes, which were fortified and guarded.

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