
television audience in a sentence

1) Its soap operas attract massive television audiences.

2) The plays she produced drew huge television audiences.

audience collocations
3) The international television audience varied from source.

4) But television audiences jumped by 12 per cent .

television audience example sentences

5) This program is also suitable for general public access television audiences.

6) An estimated worldwide television audience of 750 million watched the event.

7) It introduces scuba diving to the television audience.

8) The tournament attracts television audiences beyond South America.

9) And this time he did it before a national television audience.

10) Well, partly it's because British television audiences are stupid.

11) television audiences want to see a mature pond now!

12) In 2007, China's television audience rose to 1.2 billion.

13) The event was watched by 86% of the Greek television audience.

14) Documentaries about the bombing were made for Canadian television audiences.

example sentences with audience

15) It also gave UK crime channel Alibi their biggest ever television audience.

16) Chad's television audience is limited to N'Djamena.

17) Top players participate in professional leagues, and championship matches draw large television audiences.

18) CBC and TSN drew record television audiences for CFL broadcasts in 2005.

19) Official time may be approximated by broadcasters to display to television audiences.

20) The final debate was watched by an average television audience of 800,000 people.

21) After the war and with the advent of television audiences slowly drifted away.

22) Swindon Cable already claims more than 30 per cent of the local television audience.

23) Each letter has a distinct flavor, reflecting the diversity of the television audience.

24) Statistics testify that derby matches pull the biggest crowds and television audiences in Australia.

25) We will be coming to Chicago," Fallon told his television audience.

26) So we get the gaming audience, and Nick gets the television audience.

27) This film series also made a point of casting actors already familiar to television audiences.

How to use audience in a sentence

28) The large television audience enjoyed by the Grand National has helped in this regard.

29) The American television audience increased in 2006 (9.3 rating; 16 share).

30) The Kim Loan was made of the television audience regret for a long time.

31) The programme was viewed by a television audience of approximately six million people in Germany.

32) Such agencies utilise consumer panels, readership surveys and television audience measurement to generate their information.

33) Post-release, the film has garnered "cult classic" status from critics and television audience.

34) Once underway the World Cup will have this useful sifting effect upon its television audience.

35) Malkin also toned down the violence, sex, and language for a television audience.

36) Between them, the two account for almost 90% of Italy's television audience.

37) Dwyer's suicide was subsequently broadcast to a wide television audience across the state of Pennsylvania.

38) These are all editorial choices, and few of them create positive images for television audiences.

39) Afterward, World Series games were frequently scheduled at night, when television audiences were larger.

40) A generation of sell-out shows and peak-time television audiences witnessed the Black and White shows.

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