
take up athletics in a sentence

1) He did not take up athletics seriously until he was 19.

2) When I was debating with myself whether to take up athletics full time I decided, on the spur of the moment, to go up to Nottingham to talk to her about it.

athletics collocations
3) Bees Academy Youngsters wishing to take up athletics will be pleased to know that the Club's "Bees Academy" is now taking bookings for it's latest series of training sessions.

4) Moving on to Kogarah Intermediate High School, O'Neill played cricket in defiance of a teacher who recommended that he take up athletics.

take up athletics example sentences

5) He took up athletics and became a competitive wrestler in his 50s. His only prior wrestling experience was as a freshman in high school.

6) The 21 -year-old from Lisnagry played underage camogie before taking up athletics and becoming a champion sprinter, while Lauren plays anywhere in the forwards and has a proud sporting pedigree.

7) In The Games, he was cast as British milkman Harry Hayes, who takes up athletics for a joke, is spotted by a former champion runner and ends up in an Olympic Marathon.

8) Little over a year ago Thomas was not an athlete but since taking up athletics he has made remarkable progress winning both County and Sussex Schools 800m ....

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