
take care to avoid in a sentence

1) Missouri politicians who opposed slavery took care to avoid political repercussions.

2) We take care to avoid this by designing appropriate software.

avoid collocations
3) Please take care to avoid the conditioner entering the eyes.

4) take care to avoid needless misunderstandings.

take care to avoid example sentences

5) When listing job descriptions for each role, take care to avoid overlapping duties.

6) She went from person to person, taking care to avoid Uncle Lionel.

7) While we 've taken care to avoid obvious spoilers, subtle plot details may appear.

8) take care to avoid sharing your seaside fish and chips with the gulls though!

9) The pilot must also take care to avoid over-boosting the engine and causing damage.

10) As you play through this section, take care to avoid any undue handling noise.

11) take care to avoid them!

12) Use moderate amounts of food high in unsaturated fats, taking care to avoid excess calories.

13) take care to avoid this possibility, training the dog to sit by the door.

14) Mr. Nazami emphasized that the Canadian government must take care to avoid becoming complicit in torture.

example sentences with avoid

15) In his broadcast announcement President Obama said that U.S. forces "took care to avoid civilian casualties.

16) Ishii took care to avoid set conventions, and his influences are correspondingly very wide and non-specific.

17) Clean all over the body before carefully shampooing the head, taking care to avoid the eyes.

18) The tiger is very quick so keepers of captive tigers must take care to avoid a sudden attack .

19) This includes taking care to avoid cross-functional disconnects and disruptions in information technology used by supply chain personnel.

20) Mungo set off, taking care to avoid the loose floorboards which he had already tried to memorize.

21) However, policymakers should take care to avoid a sharp near-term fiscal contraction that could endanger the recovery.

22) The film should be laid over the document taking care to avoid wrinkles or excessive stretching of the film.

23) Alternatively extra inductance can be added to the secondary circuit, taking care to avoid further mutually inductive couplings.

24) Walks are an excellent opportunity to reflect and plan for the future, although take care to avoid stressful topics.

25) You will have to work out the potential problems for the patient, and take care to avoid them.

26) Judges also should take care to avoid comments or interactions that may be interpreted as ex parte communications concerning pending matters .

27) And in the last 2-3 hours before bedtime, take care to avoid stimulating activities (Glaze 2004).

How to use avoid in a sentence

28) The Hubermanns move Max upstairs to Liesel's room, taking care to avoid having anyone see him through the windows.

29) He never used sophisticated darkroom techniques as he took care to avoid the temptation to make a photograph through the manipulation techniques.

30) A simple implementation is to use a list, ignoring the order of the elements and taking care to avoid repeated values.

31) Divers must take care to avoid dehydration and desist from sunbathing immediately following a dive since both are predisposing factors in decompression illness.

32) Indeed, agricultural pesticides had initially been regulated by Congress in 1910 and generations of farmers took care to avoid contaminating their crops for obvious reasons.

33) As we slid at speed down the escarpment we took care to avoid nettles and barbed wire, then we'd squeeze between the splintery struts of the Essoldo's picket fence.

34) take care to avoid contaminated food and water which could lead to conditions such as stomach upsets and travellers diarrhoea (TD).

35) As winding progresses, unloop from the shuttle just enough wire at each stage to make handling as reasonable as possibly, taking care to avoid kinking the wire.

36) By taking care to avoid the eyes of man, while not being bothered in the least by the eye of the One Above that is constantly watching, he exhibits his lack of belief in HaSh-m (Bava Kama 79b).

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