
study astronomy in a sentence

1) An astronomer is someone who studies astronomy.

2) They are studying astronomy on their own account.

astronomy collocations
3) He had been studying astronomy under a man named Volktman.

4) By eight, he was studying astronomy during his free time.

study astronomy example sentences

5) Klass is now studying astronomy with the Open University.

6) Strugatski studied astronomy at Leningrad University.

7) There, he worked as a math teacher, but found time to study astronomy.

8) After completing high school, he went on to study astronomy at Leiden and Groningen Universities.

9) He also studied astronomy and meteorology, founding the 'Austrian Meteorological Society' in 1865.

10) Pythagoras lived more than 20 years in Egypt, studying astronomy and geometry with their priests and sages.

11) We are amateurs in the basic sense of the word: we study astronomy because we love it.

12) They have studied astronomy, they wrote a lot of scientific books and also were very proficient in music.

13) If anyone has ever studied astronomy, they know the Earth has gone through numerous ice ages and warm periods.

14) Wil also initially studied astronomy in Utrecht, but after meeting Henk she changed her course to study psychology.

example sentences with astronomy

15) Among other things, he studied astronomy and psychology on his route to SF scholar, writer, and teacher.

16) Both men were among a group of officers studying astronomy at the Royal Observatory in Cádiz under Admiral Vicente Tofiño.

17) It passes within a few hundred metres of the astronomy department of the University of Sydney, where I studied astronomy!

18) Despite their mother's disapproval of Joan's desire to study astronomy, Richard encouraged his sister to explore the universe.

19) Bernacchi was educated at the Hutchins School in Hobart before studying astronomy, magnetism, meteorology and physics at Melbourne Observatory.

20) Archaeoastronomy has long been seen as an interdisciplinary field that uses written and unwritten evidence to study the astronomies of other cultures.

21) The'starlab2 will boost limited resources for studying astronomy and will be able to accommodate 30 pupils at a time.

22) The professor replied, 'I am a student of astronomy.' The young lady looked at him up and down, at his grey hair and elderly face, and exclaimed, 'You mean you are still studying astronomy?

23) Anyhow, this started it and I started studying astronomy at the university in 1946 and I participated just a little bit in the observing at Groningen Observatory.

24) In 1575, King Frederick II sought to keep the now-famous Brahe in Denmark by offering him his own island and financial support to study astronomy.

25) Even the students who think science is boring might reconsider if they thought that those who studied astronomy were " peeping Toms at the keyhole of eternity ," as author Arthur Koestler observed.

26) Peter studied astronomy at University College, London, and worked in accountancy for a short spell before deciding upon a career in nursing.

27) With the existence of various orbiters, landers, and rovers, it is now possible to study astronomy from the Martian skies.

28) He prayed, farmed, raised sheep, studied astronomy, taught small groups, and gradually regathered his scattered followers into centers in different parts of the country.

29) He obsessively studied astronomy in his teens, and eventually even gained some fame in the astronomy community by giving lectures on the subject at the age of fifteen.

30) Applying this concept, Plato recommended that astronomy be studied in terms of geometrical models and proposed that the elements were particles constructed on a geometrical basis.

31) For example, he studied astronomy and had a 12-inch reflector telescope (which was very expensive at the time) to observe the heavens at night.

32) Most of the topics in astrophysics, astrochemistry, astrometry, and other fields that are branches of astronomy studied by theoreticians involve X-rays and X-ray sources.

33) When the Romans studied Greek astronomy, they gave the planets their own gods' names: "Mercurius" (for Hermes), "Venus" (Aphrodite), "Mars" (Ares), "Iuppiter" (Zeus) and "Saturnus" (Cronus).

34) He also studied astronomy and mathematics under Professor Thorvald Thiele, and philosophy under Professor Harald Høffding, a friend of his father.

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