
stow away in a sentence

1) He was sure he had one stowed away somewhere.

2) A router table and accessories stow away in the drawer.

away collocations
3) The man freezes in the act of stowing away his wallet.

4) Powerful man he was at stowing away number one Bass.

stow away example sentences

5) They soon found out Laura stowed away with them.

6) Lightweight material for easy stow away Easy cable management .

7) Smirnov stowed away on an outbound ship the next morning.

8) They roll off in a buggy, with Charlie stowed away.

9) Used for stowing away sails or hammocks.

10) The antique musical instruments had been stowed away in the glass-fronted cabinets.

11) They should not be too cumbersome to hold or to stow away.

12) Hauptmann illegally entered the US by stowing away on a liner.

13) Rats get to the island by swimming or stowing away on boats .

14) Gutierrez decided to head for America by stowing away on freight trains.

example sentences with away

15) Three-row seating was standard with all-new manual fold-flat stow away third row seats.

16) A Motorcycle with sidecar, and the luggage is all stowed away.

17) Billy stows away on the ship in hopes of winning Hope's heart.

18) Took about an hour to get everything rolled up and stowed away properly.

19) From there, he stowed away on an American vessel to Honolulu.

20) Yes, both Place and Egan had considerable sums stowed away from various jobs.

21) In 1948 he escaped from Bulgaria by stowing away on a Finnish freighter.

22) Invisible Woman stows away with him, in hopes of convincing him otherwise.

23) This time Spike Witwicky and Sky Dive stowed away before the launch.

24) Having stowed away into Belle's baggage, Chip manages to free them.

25) Organisms stow away on transport vehicles.

26) Tinya Wazzo stows away on a Bgztl freighter bound for Earth.

27) They are accompanied by Zoe, who stows away as the time vessel departs.

How to use away in a sentence

28) The top is removable and the Omni can be stowed away like exercise equipment .

29) They then replaced the second solar array which was stowed away for return to ESA.

30) But he and his brother, Mark, stowed away on board the ship.

31) His twin siblings Garth and Ayla stow away on his cruiser and they crash.

32) In 1949 Mobutu stowed away aboard a boat to LĂ©opoldville and met a girl.

33) A week later, Duquesne stowed away on boat heading to Baltimore, Maryland.

34) Instead of going ashore, Grace disguises herself as a cabin boy and stows away.

35) Only one missile is carried for each of the launchers without any additional ones stowed away.

36) The rest of the crew worked to stow away items that were used during the mission.

37) Along the way, they discover Hyllus stowed away, wanting to join them.

38) In 1908 Wilkins stowed away on a ship from which he later abandoned in Algiers.

39) At the age of thirteen Billing stowed away on a ship bound for Delagoa Bay.

40) Leaching, Piggy Back, stow Away, Siphoning.

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