
storm abate in a sentence

1) The storm abates , and the fleets arrive safely at land.

2) After the storm abates , Yugo heads outside.

3) When the storm abated , the ship had been driven far off the beaten track.

storm abate example sentences

4) The morning light spread over the east, and the fury of the storm abated .

5) As the storm abates , they find themselves safe for the moment, but without provisions.

6) The storm abates a bit, and there is no problem in reaching our start point.

7) But as the original storm abated a little, more measured, thoughtful debates started to emerge.

8) On 19 November, strong winds and storms abated the heat wave and increased risk of bushfires.

9) But she couldn't resist taking a discreet look around, after the storm had abated somewhat.

10) The storm was abating and I could occasionally see streaks of blue appear through the fast moving clouds.

11) Eventually, the storm abated long enough for them to find their way back to camp three.

12) Once the storm had abated , "Boffa" was able to resume her voyage under her own power.

13) When the storm abated , Willaumez found that his flagship "Foudroyant" was badly damaged and entirely alone.

14) Then the storm finally abates , revealing Hong Kong completely destroyed (although all the pollution was swept away).

15) Corbett would have packed his saddle bags immediately and left but Maeve was insistent he wait until the rain storm abated .

use storm abate in a sentence

16) When the storm had abated , the men built a raft from planks and barrels and sent two men to shore.

17) On 20 May, "the bottom dropped out of the barometer", but the next day, the storm abated .

18) Then, as Winter storms abated , came the crabbing season and the pattern of the Looe seasons began all over again.

19) The storm was abating rapidly, the evening sky clearing in the west with the golden rays of the setting sun adding a dying colour to the sullen slate blue water.

20) The storm abates .

21) In his tent on the beach, Zurga notes that the storm has abated , as has his rage; he now feels remorse for his anger towards Nadir ().

22) As the storm abates and "Serenity" is taking off, River reveals that she knows Shepherd Book has a secret, that it is as easy for him to kill people as it is for her.

23) When the storm abated , she sent out a party to aid survivors and to remove confidential gear and publications from "YMS-478" which had broached and capsized.

24) Typhoon "Emma" forced the ship to sortie from Tonkin Gulf on 5 November, before the storm abated enough to allow the ship to resume her operations on the 7th.

25) As first light approached, the storm abated and the Brigade was on course, but the delays put them 1000 yd from the line of hills.

26) When the storms abate , the Emperor embarks on a "Great Crusade" to unite all human-settled worlds in the galaxy under his banner.

27) Thankfully, the storm had abated , at least for the moment, and the eight twelves had emerged from the shelter of their dull grey carriage.

28) By the morning of the 16th the storm had abated , allowing the "Destroyer" to anchor to the south of Puerto Rico.

How to use storm abate in a sentence

29) " The storm abated , Paladin mounts his horse to leave, pausing to notice the livery stable's sign.

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