
steep approach in a sentence

1) Flying a slightly steeper approach at a slightly lower power setting may be preferable.

approach collocations
2) Then there's a steep approach when we nose down at 30 degrees.

3) The generously dimensioned airbrakes allow steep approaches similar to modern single- seaters.

steep approach example sentences

4) Steep approaches and you'll eat up the runway in a heartbeat.

5) The steep approach to Garbadale by Iain Banks Very good indeed.

6) Dips occur mostly towards the east, averaging 30 degrees but this becomes steeper approaching the De Bron Fault.

7) Tourists use a "teleférico" (aerial tramway) to reach it, owing to the steep approaches .

8) Exceptional ground clearance and short front and rear overhangs allow for steep approach and departure angles for traversing irregular terrain.

9) The airbrakes are really good and the combination of full airbrake and full sideslip results in an incredibly steep approach .

10) Moreover, this coefficient has an increasingly steep approach to 1.00 as the number of cases with the two magnitudes become increasingly disproportionate.

11) This film covers the H-19's preflight inspection, taxiing, normal takeoff, hovering, autorotations, normal and steep approach , and engine shutdown.

12) Additionally , with an approach speed of only 107 knots, the Falcon 2000S is capable of landing at airports with challenging, steep approaches and short runways.

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