
stand in awe of in a sentence

1) He stands in awe of great men.

2) I stand in awe of this device.

awe collocations
3) We all stood in awe of those men.

4) We stand in awe of her leadership and heroism.

stand in awe of example sentences

5) I stand in awe of their wisdom beyond their years.

6) He stands in awe of the ordinances of Heaven.

7) He stands in awe of the words of the sages.

8) You keep me going and I stand in awe of you.

9) They stand in awe of the tree sparkling with candles and decorations.

10) Secondly scientists stand in awe of the wonderful world we live in.

11) Glasser still stands in awe of this formidable, feckless man.

12) The rest of us might also stand in awe of his season.

13) Here we stand in awe of all thou hast been and art still!

14) I stand in awe of all people, and I hope you do, too.

example sentences with awe

15) stand in awe of the carvings, statues, paintings, and beauty that surround you.

16) This area is under constant and eternal restoration, but we stood in awe of the structures there.

17) The bishop who stood in awe of Alva, and who had accepted his protection, again refused.

18) I love the way Clark writes, and I stand in awe of his panoramic knowledge of China.

19) I stand in awe of some of the people online who have food that sits around long enough for pictures.

20) The mean man does not know the ordinances of Heaven, and consequently does not stand in awe of them.

21) For I did not stand in awe of a great multitude, so as not to speak boldly before them.

22) We stand in awe of His Presence as if we are circling non-stop in ecstasy round and round our Beloved.

23) All stood in awe of the Lord of Servants' craft; Enamelled richness o'er the valley laughed.

24) Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

25) We're drawn to sing great music, much like we're drawn to stand in awe of a beautiful painting.

26) I stand in awe of my body, this matter to which I am bound has become so strange to me.

27) Both Burge-Lubin and Barnabas are considerably put off because they stand in awe of her although they deem her quite good-looking.

How to use awe in a sentence

28) At the Glacier Skywalk, stand in awe of the breathtaking views from a glass platform suspended 280 metres above Sunwapta Valley.

29) stand in awe of 10,000-foot peaks and breathtaking mountain vistas, or gaze at volcanoes on Isla Coronado and other islands.

30) We walked through the gardens of the Tuileries to the Louvre, where I stood in awe of its scale and beauty.

31) One must stand in awe of the scientist so Promethean that a single obscenity is all that is needed to clarify and educate.

32) I also stand in awe of the great theological goodness and depth that we've heard from Cardinal Hickey and Bishop Hughes and Bishop Sheets.

33) I stood in awe of this samba school and of the culture and my eyes were opened to something that only a few Americans have had exposure to.

34) stand in awe of glaciers one day and feel the vibrant beat of city life the next–music, art, cafes, festivals, fashion and more!

35) While the Bozo Criminal Report certainly does not recommend this response to your typical Bozo Thief, we certainly stand in awe of his efforts.

36) Each pair had to rehearse their number in front of Lucian and stand in awe of his great talent as he critiqued them.

37) While there is still much more that can be known about this enigmatic Renaissance Man, this book will surely quench the thirst of the hungry acolytes who stand in awe of his work.

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