
spread abroad in a sentence

1) A suspicion of his project had already spread abroad .

2) Yet as Freemasonry spread abroad it became more contentious.

3) Word spread abroad to Britain's allies.

spread abroad example sentences

spread abroad example sentences

4) The knowledge of His will must be spread abroad in the earth.

5) Acton's reputation for learning gradually spread abroad , largely through Gladstone's influence.

6) This saying was spread abroad among the Jews, and continues until this day.

7) He had evil reports spread abroad concerning him, as well as good reports.

8) The rumor spread abroad that Willis had said no appeal could or should be had.

9) With the trend of Japanese cuisine spreading abroad , they were exported to Western countries.

10) The satires, though considerably spread abroad during his lifetime, were not published until 1719.

11) By their means every novelty in the moral or religious world was soon ventilated and spread abroad .

12) It was easy, in these circumstances, to spread abroad misrepresentations and calumnies against Huss.

13) The news of his arrival had already spread abroad , and he was searched for in every direction.

14) During the last two decades of his life, Josquin's fame spread abroad along with his music.

15) Alexei thought about asking what latest scandal Jehan had heard, and how widely it was being spread abroad .

use spread abroad in a sentence

16) Shinto has also spread abroad to a limited extent, and a few non-Japanese Shinto priests have been ordained.

17) The spirit that was now spread abroad was what the Norwegian poet Bjornstjerne Bjornson called "passions' crying need".

18) Fry founded the British Society of Ladies for Promoting the Reformation of Female Prisoners, and her ideas spread abroad .

19) We are spread abroad from Eastport to the mouth of the Oregon; from Chester, S.C. to Lake Superior.

20) During the Mughal period, the carpets made on the Indian subcontinent became so famous that demand for them spread abroad .

21) The report was spread abroad that Germany had demanded and obtained the restoration of the documents that established the traitor's guilt.

22) Finally, it is also Ornytus who, once the reading is completed, proposes that they rehearse the text in the hopes that it will be spread abroad .

23) The Lodger (1926) opens dramatically with the shot of a screaming girl, then shows the news being spread abroad , causing fear and panic throughout the city.

24) Already hunted because of the rumor spread abroad that such a project was underway, inquisitors and bounty hunters were on Tyndale's trail to abort the effort.

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