
sponsor athlete in a sentence

1) He is a former Team Athletic Xtreme official sponsored athlete.

2) USANA offers an "athlete Guarantee Program" to select sponsored athletes.

athlete collocations
3) She's also a Banff Airporter® sponsored athlete.

4) All of my lifters and sponsored athletes implement a high fat, high protein diet.

sponsor athlete example sentences

5) Instead the wall posts focus on images and videos of extreme sports and athletes sponsored by Red Bull .

6) Jon is a sponsored Gore athlete here in China and this is one of those duties that calls.

7) Procter u0026 Gamble was a tier one sponsor of London's 2012 Olympic Games and sponsored 150 athletes.

8) Meet Rhiannon Roberts, a triathlete who is a client and sponsored athlete at Allsports Camp Hill.

9) Shell has helped SOS Villages provide homes for needy children and it has sponsored disabled athletes in the Special Olympics.

10) The cash raised came to £25,000, much of it from 60 sponsored athletes who ran in last year's ADT London Marathon.

11) As two of Gore's top sponsored athletes in China, this was the only drawback – being pampered by pretty assistants and sweating in front of cameras.

12) We have proudly sponsored Olympic athletes: Speed skater Clara Hughes in the 2006 Winter Games in Turin and heptathlete Jessica Zelinka in the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing.

13) Discount Tire's commitment to auto racing has been seen across the globe through sponsored athletes, Brad Keselowski in NASCAR, Dai Yoshihara for Drifting and Chad Reed in Supercross.

14) These companies use fancy ad campaigns, sponsor big name athletes, and offer dollar incentives for distributors to pimp their products to the wholesalers.

example sentences with athlete

15) Andy is also a sponsored athlete by Five-Ten footwear and Gibbon Slacklines, and owns his own small business creating slackline specific pulleys named "Slackline Brothers.

16) In the first quarter, she became a sponsored athlete for Under Armour, which paid her more highly than her ballet career.

17) Nike sponsors many high-profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of "Just Do It" and the Swoosh logo.

18) The ICF sponsored ten athletes in a development program in Romania in early 2009 that allowed them to competed at the world championships.

19) In October 2012 he signed a one-year contract with Athletic Xtreme Supplement Company as an official sponsored athlete, image model, and brand ambassador.

20) Already this year she has done clinics in Thailand and the Philippines and now sponsors a young Filipino athlete to attend our group for the coach to work some magic.

21) As of 2013, she was a sponsored athlete for the Patagonia gear and clothing company and owned a small business that offered climbing courses.

22) Duchesne has sponsored athletes that have achieved all-region, all-state, all-American, and even a finalist for the High School Heisman in 2007.

23) While the top-end production Jekyll 27.5 sports the new Lefty Supermax fork, Clementz, as a SRAM - sponsored athlete, runs the very capable 160mm RockShox Pike.

24) Snowboarder Roope Tonteri to be sponsored by Nokia I'm having a hard time recalling any extreme athlete sponsored by a smartphone company, one of you guys can clue me in on anyone below.

25) Sportswear brands will be able to unleash Toppit's full potential by having customers compete against their favourite sponsored athletes or pull off big tricks whilst wearing the brands apparel.

26) Mr Marcus Ong, 25, an information and communications technology specialist and New Balance sponsored athlete, said he was looking forward to his first 15 km competitive run.

27) This Sunday, the UK Slum Run 2012 will be taking place in Small Heath for runners interested in sponsoring child athletes in the slums of Uganda.

28) We also sponsor world-class athletes, teams and events around the globe, including the LA Galaxy and FC Barcelona soccer clubs, as well as champions in more than 15 other sports.

29) A typical testimony from the sponsored athletes is that of Natascha Badmann: " I made a new course record in the Canaries.

30) As a sponsored athlete you become involved in a variety of promotional activities, from press conferences and hospitality functions, to launching new products and public speaking.

31) Teams and athletes sponsored by Air Jordan are:

32) Joining Mutual of Omaha's line-up of sponsored athletes are:

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