
so awful in a sentence

1) This preamble does not sound so awful.

2) This is so awful but something is horribly horribly wrong!

awful collocations
3) Dad said erm that play was ever so awful!

4) Could something so awful still be happening ?

so awful example sentences

5) What was so awful about the letters?

6) Team by team reporters baffled,local news is so awful.

7) His people are so awful they're funny.

8) That's why it looks so awful down there.

9) Wendell doesn't think the mess is so awful.

10) I should not have to live feeling so awful.

11) This may be the reason your feeling so awful.

12) Its so awful to be a girl sometimes lol.

13) This story is so awful it could be punishment.

14) so what is so awful about trimming the fat ?

example sentences with awful

15) Horror!" Why should that be so awful?

16) Manipulative evil tactics like this are so awful.

17) I'm tempted to because I feel so awful.

18) Am I the only one feeling so awful?

19) If Hell consists of such illusions, is it so awful?

20) It's not the number that is so awful.

21) Because we were like, "This is so awful.

22) It would be so awful if it did .

23) I dunno, it's just so awful!

24) That's so awful she could've killed you.

25) I mean, he's so awful, he really is.

26) He was fine, that's what's so awful.

27) And today I feel so awful.

How to use awful in a sentence

28) My first apartment was so awful .

29) The lack of direction was really what made this entire process so awful.

30) I don't see the good of being so awful clean.

31) Hi after reading all the comments i no longer feel so awful.

32) Things were so awful in Poland, in the Soviet Union.

33) I know but some of the things she wears are so awful!

34) It was so awful, I took a perverse glee in its existence.

35) These lyrics are so awful, they really just make me very happy.

36) so how did something that could have been so awful become so fabulous?

37) A lot of the images are so awful it makes you wanna barf !

38) Holzman : And our first menu concept was so awful for us.

39) But I feel so awful - how on earth did I catch them?

40) She feels so awful for it, as she does love her husband.

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