skilled archer in a sentence
1) Skilled strong archers could shoot effectively out to 450 yards.
archer collocations
2) He is also a skilled archer .
3) They are often skilled archers .
skilled archer example sentences
4) Their ability to hunt fish with arrows made them skilled archers , like Ekalavya.5) Yoshio Inaba as , a skilled archer recruited by Kambei.
6) Huo Duhu (éœéƒ½è·) is a highly skilled archer of the Imperial Guards.
7) As the boy grew, he became a skilled archer living in the wilderness of Paran.
8) She has honed her skill in archery, and is one of the most skilled archers ever seen.
9) Orlando Bloom as Legolas: Prince of the Elves' Woodland Realm and a skilled archer .
10) The arquebus was unable to match the accuracy of a bow in the hands of a highly skilled archer .
11) Park Hyeokgeose, the first king of the Silla, was also said to be a skilled archer .
12) Orlando Bloom as Legolas: An Elven prince and skilled archer who aids Aragorn in his quest to reclaim the throne.
13) Gan Ning, being a skilled archer , led a detachment of troops as backup, and he came to the rescue.
14) Brave (2012) The Oscar-winning animated adventure from Disney Pixar follows the flame-haired heroine Merida, a skilled teenage archer battling to change her fate.
15) It was considered the ultimate degradation for a skilled archer to be captured and, rather than be executed, have his two shooting fingers removed.
example sentences with skilled archer
16) Sosa has often (e.g., Sosa 2007, ch. 2) made use of an analogy of a skilled archer shooting at a target; we may find it instructive as well.17) Luke Evans as Bard the Bowman: Bard of Esgaroth was a skilled archer and the heir of Girion, the last king of old Dale.
18) Katniss is a highly skilled archer , hunter, and trapper, having learned these from her father and Gale, honed to keep her family from starving.
19) Regarding other kinds of yoga, "Agni Yoga" 193 writes, "Even in this age of firearms, a skilled archer is still considered a fine marksman.
20) Artem, being a " skilled archer ", is convinced to compete for Hyacinth's hand in marriage against Macar, the male antagonist.
21) He pointed Zhang out to the Manchus when Zhang rushed out from his tent on learning of the betrayal, and he was then shot and killed by a skilled Manchu archer .
22) A skilled archer much like her father, her costume and name are modeled after both the fictional Little Red Riding Hood character and possibly Robin Hood.
23) Not to mention, in the 17th century, the gap in reloading speeds between skilled archers and skilled gunmen was large.
24) Robin Hood (spelled Robyn Hode in older sources) is a heroic outlaw found in English folklore who, according to legend, was also a highly skilled archer and swordsman.
25) In East Asia, Goguryeo, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea was well known for its regiments of exceptionally skilled archers .
26) With Wang now wheelchair-bound and a pack of skilled archers hot on their tail, Ho and his master have a lot to deal with on their journey to the Emperor's palace.
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