
site abandon in a sentence

1) The site was essentially abandoned between 1996 and 2004.

2) The site was abandoned before much of architecture was complete.

3) The site was abandoned during the 7th century.

site abandon example sentences

4) The site was abandoned for nearly fifty years.

5) Security concerns led to the site being abandoned .

6) These sites were abandoned during this time period.

7) Their natural nesting sites are abandoned woodpecker holes.

8) abandoned chromium production sites often require environmental cleanup.

9) Procedures to reclaim abandoned mining sites have also been proposed.

10) The following year, the site was abandoned .

11) The site was abandoned in approximately 1800, for unknown reasons.

12) Following the fire, the site was abandoned .

13) The site was eventually abandoned for another, to the west.

14) The Jesuits abandoned this site in March 1860.

15) California has missile launch sites abandoned by the US Army.

16) Residents say the abandoned site is now a health hazard.

17) The site was abandoned after the conquest and never reoccupied.

18) By 930 AD, the site was completely abandoned .

use site abandon in a sentence

19) Visitors often abandoned the site when it came to that step .

20) It is estimated that the site was abandoned around year 1000 CE.

21) The abandoned colonist sites were quickly occupied by Ngaruahine warriors.

22) This deployment forced the enemy to abandon the ambush site and withdraw.

23) After this point at about 1500, the site is virtually abandoned .

24) After this the site was abandoned .

25) Today, the mainline track and wreck site are abandoned and very overgrown.

26) After the battle, the British and Miami abandoned this site .

27) Drummond then abandoned the Guildford site .

28) Pollution of watercourses may also cause Water Voles to abandon sites .

How to use site abandon in a sentence

29) The site was abandoned and illegal Anatolian settlers inhabited the place until late 2006.

30) Then the female buries the nest, and the nest site is abandoned .

31) However, written records state that the site was abandoned in A.D. 1441.

32) Efforts to extract the water were unsuccessful, and the site was again abandoned .

33) They might rent land from a farmer or squat in an abandoned construction site .

34) Don't worry, lovelies, we haven't abandoned this site .

35) Once a rig stops producing economic quantities of oil, the site is usually abandoned .

36) After 8000 BC, the site was abandoned and purposely covered up with soil.

37) This resettlement was completed by 1550, after which the site above was completely abandoned .

38) The third aim could include projects such as financing the decontamination of abandoned industrial sites .

39) Or commercial, industrial and infrastructure sites are successively abandoned without prospects for renewed building development.

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