
sign authorization in a sentence

1) Have the homeowner sign an authorization to release form.

2) Horowitz handed him the authorization signed by Evans.

authorization collocations
3) The authorization was signed by President George W. Bush on 16 October 2002 .

4) After the authorization was signed, NSA attorneys supported the lawfulness of the resulting program.

sign authorization example sentences

5) Passport Canada requires signed authorization from the subject permitting communication with the designated person or counsel.

6) Medical authorization signed by a licensed physician is required for participation in this most restrictive program.

7) During the interview, the probation officer will ask the offender to sign authorizations to release confidential information.

8) Several senior DOJ and FBI officials considered resigning after the Presidential authorization was signed without DOJ's concurrence.

9) Prior to the polygraph test, you will be asked to sign an authorization to release the interview and test results.

10) Dargue had shown Arnold the original authorization signed by Lahm, however, which Arnold verified to investigators on January 27.

11) N. Shipments released without obtaining a signature if the recipient has provided authorization by signing a release delivery authorization and indemnification agreement.

12) Records must be kept confidential unless the patient submits a signed authorization to release the records to a named person or entity.

13) If you choose to sign an authorization to disclose your PHI, you can later revoke it in writing to stop any future uses and disclosures of your PHI by me.

14) Many of the newer ERISA disability policies contain provisions which require you to sign an authorization and cooperate with the insurance company or risk loss of benefits.

example sentences with authorization

15) The sentence could be carried out only with Peter's signed authorization, and Alexei died in prison, as Peter hesitated before making the decision.

16) A Medical Release form allows a hospital or other medical service provider to release records which must be kept confidential unless the patient submits a signed authorization.

17) PLP Lenders sign the authorization on behalf of both the Lender and SBA, and then send it to the appropriate SBA Commercial Loan Servicing Center.

18) Before scheduling a transfer to an individual, you agree that you will have received a signed authorization from the payee, and that the authorization will not have been revoked.

19) To begin the process, each adult who will reside in the home must sign an authorization to Release Information (RD Form 3550-1).

20) He sweeps aside the President's protests, claiming "the conflict will last beyond your term of office", and insists that she signs the authorization for war.

21) On the morning of March 11, 2004, with the Presidential authorization set to expire, President Bush signed a new authorization for the PSP.

22) He sweeps aside the President's protests - claiming that the war will last beyond her term of office anyway - and insists that she signs the authorization to send American forces into battle.

23) The Correctional Service of Canada came into being on December 21, 1978, when Queen Elizabeth II signed authorization for the newly commissioned agency and presented it with its Armorial Bearings.

24) If patients would like to see another doctor outside this practice, they can have their records sent to another physician by signing an authorization to release their records.

25) When a refund check was received by Berg u0026 Allen, petitioners were usually required to sign a written authorization so the check could be negotiated.

26) Tell your branch the date it was written, the number of the cheque, who it was made out to and for how much, and sign an authorization for them to stop payment.

27) In an attempt to blame your condition on anyone but their insured, they will ask you to sign authorizations for release of your medical records.

28) For scholarships allowing book purchase, the recipient must contact the Financial Aid and Student Employment Office to sign an authorization To Release Information form.

29) the representative can produce a letter of authorization signed by the party;

30) 'Of course Himmler did give Max Radl a letter of authorization signed by Hitler himself,' Carter said.

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