
sever artery in a sentence

1) Anne guessed that he had a severed artery .

artery collocations
2) We have done nothing about the severed femoral artery .

3) He suffered a punctured lung and a severed artery .

sever artery example sentences

4) Both of the stab wounds severed axillary arteries before penetrating a lung.

5) The wound severed a major artery .

6) The ferocity of the first blow severed the arteries in Greenfield's neck.

7) Then he too was struck, the bullet severing an artery in his thigh.

8) I had been knifed with a stiletto that severed an artery above my liver.

9) This is similar to someone presenting in the emergency room with a severed femoral artery .

10) The animal managed to sever an artery , and his friends couldn't stop the blood flow.

11) In the early 1940s, the only acceptable way to treat a severed artery was ligation.

12) A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound, which had severed the artery .

13) Selena tried to flee, but Saldívar shot her once in her right shoulder, severing an artery .

14) The Sandrat bit into the wrist of one of the Minutemen, chewing until she severed the artery .

15) The cause of death was one clear-cut incision which severed the main artery on the left side of the neck.

example sentences with sever artery

16) If you do not repair the severed femoral artery before you run out of blood supply the patient will die.

17) The congealing blood from the severed arteries of the snow-soaked head drenching the carpet and seeping down between the floor boards.

18) She persuaded the singer to meet with her secretly and shot her in the back, severing an artery and killing her.

19) Do not attempt to tie a tourniquet unless you have severed an artery and blood loss is so fast that you must stop the flow quickly.

20) He should pray that she does not hit a vital organ or sever a major artery as any other action will brand him as the aggressor.

21) As our Indian guide was field dressing Dave's bull his knife slipped and he stabbed himself in his inner thigh, severing the femoral artery .

22) At the foot of the pole the succulent body of the deer lay sprawled, blood still seeping from the severed arteries of its neck.

23) As Selena attempted to flee, Saldívar shot her once on the right lower shoulder, severing an artery and resulting in a massive loss of blood.

24) An artery was severed and he narrowly survived massive blood loss, being taken by ambulance to the nearby St James's University Hospital.

25) Like most of the previous murders, her left carotid artery was severed from left to right and there were wounds on her abdomen.

26) Gage would have to be airlifted to hospital after taking a bump onto a light tube, whch resulted in a laceration severing an artery in his arm.

27) Just when it is agreed that Martha would make the call, in a sudden fit of rage she stabs him in the shoulder with a kitchen knife, severing an artery .

28) In the morning Bullfrog became enraged when he found his wife in bed with Brooks and attacked him, severing an artery in his throat with his boomerang.

How to use sever artery in a sentence

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