
send abroad in a sentence

1) Some cadets were sent abroad for further study.

2) Students were often sent abroad for training in foreign fleets.

3) The most expensive pieces are most often sent abroad .

send abroad example sentences

4) The refined oil would be sent abroad .

5) This picture was sent abroad to markets and meeting places.

6) Naval students were sent abroad to study Western naval techniques.

7) Starting in 1924, personnel were sent abroad for flight education.

8) She was sent abroad to study a European language.

9) They send abroad whatever they can get.

10) The PCs' are sent abroad to recover her.

11) Some 80 per cent of employees sent abroad were provided with health cover .

12) Since the early 1980s thousands of researchers and students were sent abroad .

13) They meet regularly each week knitting blankets and other items to send abroad .

14) Those who did were children of upper-class families sent abroad to attend school.

15) Groups of young boys were also sent abroad to the United States .

use send abroad in a sentence

16) Of this total, 78 percent were technical personnel sent abroad for advanced study.

17) Probably anyone else sent abroad by the British Council could offer better examples.

18) Through partnerships with other charitable agencies , more doses will be sent abroad .

19) Some senior members of the group were sent abroad for political and military training.

20) To date, 328 youth have been sent abroad to work, he said.

21) A century ago she would have been sent abroad to govern India or Ireland.

22) Then we sent abroad our printed relations, and could lift up our face.

23) It cost the government up to $10,000 for each patient sent abroad for treatment.

24) Securities, promissory notes, and bills of exchange may be sent abroad without restriction.

25) It maintains its own mother seed stock and this is sent abroad for bulking up .

26) After assisting Faridi in a few cases, she is sent abroad for higher studies.

27) She has received silver medals, attended a Key School and been sent abroad to study.

28) One of these versions sent abroad is now the official English text of the Treaty.

How to use send abroad in a sentence

29) He was a restless and indifferent scholar, and was sent abroad to make his fortune.

30) Many of the bricks were sent abroad for use in buildings in Tonga and Samoa.

31) Africa was requesting cuts in subsidies for produces that are sent abroad and dumped onto African markets.

32) In addition, senior EPRDF commanders assigned to the high command were sent abroad for staff training.

33) Workers were sent abroad to learn how to cast cannons and new workers were recruited from abroad.

34) Unit members will be taught in foreign languages and sent abroad to train together with partner nations.

35) This was only the fourth time the Book of Kells had been sent abroad for exhibition.

36) Missions like the Iwakura mission were sent abroad to study the education systems of leading Western countries.

37) Now that letters can be sent abroad I have the opportunity to write to you....

38) Once he was trained he would have been sent abroad as part of a draft of reinforcements.

39) Some had died in rather mysterious circumstances, others been sent abroad on this task or the other.

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