
semi automatic in a sentence

1) Both semi-automatic, and automatic models exist.

2) The process can be semi-automatic or automatic.

automatic collocations
3) Two modes of operation: Semi-automatic or automatic.

4) The Veyron can be driven in either semi-automatic or fully automatic mode.

semi automatic example sentences

5) Collectors therefore have a choice between manual, semi-automatic and automatic antique firearms.

6) At such time, a semi-automatic or automatic weapon makes a good deterrent.

7) The coupe and Volante both share the same semi-automatic and automatic gearboxes and engine.

8) I 'm not sure how banning semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons would have changed this situation.

9) With the increased use of semi-automatic and automatic firearms, the detachable box magazine became increasingly common.

10) Thus, the HEL M4 suppressor was permanently mounted though it allowed normal semi-automatic and automatic operation.

11) Until such time, humans will heavily rely on semi-automatic and automatic tools that can help them.

12) Both designs were similar, using a gas-operated action, with both semi-automatic and fully automatic firing modes.

13) Some weapons, such as semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms, typically eject spent cartridge casings at high speed.

14) The Klodd brothers now manufacture three versions of the Nettergetter: manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic.

example sentences with automatic

15) The writer also argued that if semi-automatic and automatic weapons were banned, this would prevent any future incident.

16) Like the M16A1 and M16A3, the C7 has both semi-automatic and fully automatic fire modes.

17) Less recoil would allow semi-automatic or even fully automatic select-fire rifles, although in his paper he called it a 'Maschinenpistole.

18) Self protection must not include the use of semi-automatic or automatic weapons, or any weapons that could be converted to such use.

19) Since "bolt action" would exclude just about all semi-automatic and automatic weapons, there is some justification that the redundancy was used to emphasize that very exclusion.

20) During World War One, detachable box magazines found favor, being used in all manner of firearms; such as pistols, light-machine guns, submachine-guns, semi-automatic and automatic rifles.

21) The exterior shape of the case was designed to promote reliable feeding and extraction in bolt action, semi-automatic, and automatic firearms alike, under extreme conditions.

22) Squads equipped only with small arms now had many options to reflect weapons types; semi-automatic and automatic weapons could be simulated with rules for Spraying Fire or Assault Fire, for example.

23) At its inception, the M1918 was intended to be used as a shoulder-fired rifle capable of both semi-automatic and fully automatic fire.

24) The modern Model 933 has a "flattop" receiver, with a removable carrying handle and a MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail, with semi-automatic and automatic fire.

25) Many modern military firearms have a selective fire option, which is a mechanical switch that allows the firearm be fired either in the semi-automatic or fully automatic mode.

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