
sell abroad in a sentence

1) Almost every second vehicle built in Germany was sold abroad .

2) Very expensive, it sells abroad for enormous prices.

3) Its products were sold abroad and in American's finest outlets.

sell abroad example sentences

4) Approximately 1.2 million tons of Baku kerosene were also sold abroad .

5) What country sold abroad fell price and what purchases climbed by clouds.

6) In the mid 1970s they were traced down and sold abroad .

7) One thing for certain is that selling abroad is 'different'.

8) Much of the catch is sold abroad in Spain and Italy.

9) Authorities say fewer nuts consumed at home means more available to sell abroad .

10) It would be no surprise to see either or both sold abroad .

11) Some of the more developed countries make lots of arms to sell abroad .

12) They had them sub-titled in order to be sold abroad for possible profit.

13) Their parents' torment has been aggravated by rumours that some have been sold abroad .

14) Between 1978 and 1987 over 80 % of W 50 trucks built each year were sold abroad .

15) The new strain grew easily and abundantly, producing a surplus that could be sold cheaply abroad .

use sell abroad in a sentence

16) US$ 785 million worth of diamonds, 7.5% of exports, were sold abroad that year.

17) Ceylon Tea is already sold abroad blended (also abroad) with low quality Kenyan and Indonesian teas.

18) Most are sold abroad .

19) For these companies, and others, if they want to sell abroad , they must produce overseas.

20) American businessmen found it difficult to sell abroad because of the US tariff policy and the on-coming Depression.

21) If it is an ABM system, it cannot be transferred and cannot be sold abroad .

22) I do not believe the vast majority of people want to see British industry sold abroad for jam today.

23) The article sites a number of industries located in the southeastern United States that are enjoying extraordinary success selling abroad .

24) Some exported hats are sold abroad at even more expensive prices, since most foreigners value handcrafts more than Ecuadorians.

25) This year they expect a turnover of £170 m, and More than half their shoes are sold abroad .

26) But this gun model as well as other guns of Albanian fashion were sold also abroad in most distant markets.

27) But experts are concerned that doctors are ' misjudging' the quality, meaning very good organs are being sold abroad .

28) The items risked being sold abroad , or were only saved for the nation by being purchased at a high price.

How to use sell abroad in a sentence

29) Harvey Leek discovers the part to be a prototype super conductor chip that Dr. Mills is selling abroad to foreign competitors.

30) In 1986 Hong Kong received 31.6 percent of Chinese goods sold abroad and supplied about 13 percent of China's imports.

31) That's fortunate, because one in 13 Wisconsin private-sector jobs are tied to the state's ability to sell abroad .

32) Britain has abided by rules on battery farming , and a lot of the old, banned cages have been sold abroad .

33) Researchers estimate that between 13 and 18 Celtiberian helmets have been plundered from the archeological site of Arátikos and subsequently sold abroad .

34) Just like the rest of Afghanistan, many historical sites in Kapisa have also been looted by smugglers and then sold abroad .

35) SIIA believes strongly that the "First Sale Doctrine" should not apply to cases where the copyrighted material has been manufactured and sold abroad .

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