
self aware in a sentence

1) He's a lot more self aware than I originally thought.

2) And we appreciate when people are reflective and self aware.

aware collocations
3) Woman claims to be self aware, but deceives herself.

4) Can artificial intelligence be self aware?

self aware example sentences

5) Can a machine be self aware?

6) Schizophrenics: Schizophrenics are very self aware.

7) A great deal of ladies are self aware of their physique as is.

8) It's a sickness, but at least I'm self aware.

9) We contemplate the possibilities of our machines becoming self aware and rebelling against us.

10) I am very self aware and i know my husband and trust him completely.

11) You know Eric Harris thought he was ' self Aware' too.

12) Those averse to human exploration of space now are not self aware and sentient beings.

13) Anger will not open their eyes to this or make them more self aware.

14) But this one was a metaphor about how man kind became a conscious self aware being.

example sentences with aware

15) For the brighter and more self aware YECs, IMO, it is willing suspension of disbelief.

16) The sci fi film centers on a group of scientists trying to build the first self aware supercomputer.

17) Say what you will about the man's business acumen, at least he's self aware.

18) self aware, empowered.

19) As for managing women, are you saying women lack capacity to be autonomous, self aware and responsible?

20) I'm 15 u0026 I'm really self aware of what i listen because nowadays music is all trash.

21) Gone is the funny and self aware aura that the director was successful at creating in his Mummy series.

22) Should AI have the same rights as humans if the AI is self aware or should AI be enslaved?

23) I mean you'd think they'd eventually become self aware like Skynet, but they remain blissfully ignorant.

24) Being self aware of a downshift gives you the chance to incorporate your higher level thinking skills in evaluating the situation.

25) I became very self conscious and self aware of how others perceived a big girl from a "normal" skinny girl.

26) Women, and Sargent's "Madame X" is a prime example, were seen as confident, self aware characters.

27) Some of the more educated, and self aware of the lunatic fringers such as creationists probably know it is all nonsense.

How to use aware in a sentence

28) As humanity evolves and creates increasingly complex social networks and societies, so the noosphere evolves too, becoming ever more self aware.

29) Right after eating it "They found themselves naked and were ashamed." That indicates they became self aware, and self-conscious.

30) When Elites have a worldwide grid of instantly searchable "eyes" and armed drones that can reach every area – 1 self aware computer can take care of the Human management problem.

31) Either billions of bits of self assembled pieces of matter and energy interacting with themselves to create and sustain the numerous systems of "nature"- a self initialized and self aware nature.

32) It is to those that we speak - to those who have chosen to take the Red Pill and become self aware and step out of the control structure matrix.

33) I mean he isn't self aware in the way we are, but he "IS" in a literal Zen ISness sort of fashion, and with the addition of my consciousness he was able to communicate in almost words here and there.

34) One of the things I learned from a really self aware person, is once we figure out what we're feeling, we should try to think back to all the times we felt that way.

35) The best therapists are the ones who are very self aware, and have done a lot of soul searching, and can reflect that in therapy.

36) You have to be self aware enough to know that any character judgement, post mortem, on someone that died in such a way was going to cause people to question the motives behind the piece?

37) The secret project "The self aware Colony" in "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" shows an AI in control of a colony.

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