segmental arch in a sentence
1) The Romans also introduced segmental arch bridges into bridge construction.
arch collocations
2) These arches are flanked by a further nine segmental arches on both sides.
3) A segmental arch is an arch that is less than a semicircle.
segmental arch example sentences
4) It is partly divided by a segmental arch supported by two tapered wooden columns.5) The classical segmental arch over the main entrance became a simpler Spanish bell gable.
6) It consists of five segmental arches , with abutments running down to the banks.
7) The segmental arches are typical of the comparatively austere Almohad style of the 13th century.
8) The bridge is built of stone, has three segmental arches , and was completed in 1856.
9) The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is considered medieval Europe's first stone segmental arch bridge.
10) All the windows on the first floor have round segmental arches , sandstone voussoirs and awnings.
11) A segmental arch of splayed bricks tops the double windows on the street facet of the bay.
12) The fort has its own small jetty, formed over 3 segmental arches with quoins and keystones.
13) It has four segmental arches , was restored in 1919, and is a grade II* listed structure.
14) A single narrow window with a round segmental arch in brick sits in the center of both side faces.
15) This bridge is also historically significant as it is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge.
example sentences with segmental arch
16) The middle part of the central block is in seven bays, with a colonnade consisting of segmental arches .17) The latter plan of the military engineer José GarcÃa Galiano included a complete reconstruction with three large-span segmental arches .
18) The pedimented centrepiece of the symmetrical front elevation is a segmental arch and has three panels set back between columns.
19) Paired columns to each side support a segmental arch with large achievement and figure to each side and to top.
20) In the office wing, the entry hall has square brick piers supporting the segmental arches that frame the groin vaults.
21) Trajan's bridge over the Danube featured open-spandrel segmental arches made of wood (standing on 40 m high concrete piers).
22) The Greeks remained cautious in their use of the arch and vault but, by the second century B.C., both semi-circular and segmental arches were being more widely employed.
23) On the flanks the windows are set in round segmental arches laid with several rows of splayed brick and topped with brick voussoirs.
24) The main entrance is to the left side, set apart from the windows by a blind bay, a treatment echoed in the second-story . The door has a segmental arch with transom.
25) Above it is an offset round-arched nine-over-nine double-hung wooden sash window with a brick surround recessed into a segmental arch in the stone.
26) The door pillars are surmounted by a segmental arch , and above that a round arch of three orders, the area between forming a tympanum.
27) In the 1960s, the area around the doorway's segmental arch was covered with a layer of plaster. plaster has been removed, and brick repairs are evident.
28) This value is supported by de Labordes' engravings which depict an intact Roman segmental arch spanning the adjoining fourth bay as late as the early 19th century.
How to use segmental arch in a sentence
29) Thus, the third arch originally described a circular sector of 95°, which points to a span-to-rise ratio of about 4-5 to 1 for the other segmental arches .30) The clear spans of its two segmental arches are 6.95 m and 7.40 m, which corresponds to a span-to-rise ratio of 4.0 and 3.3 to 1 respectively.
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