
seek audience in a sentence

1) Efforts by Bajirao to seek audience with the mughal emperor were also ignored.

2) She then sought audience participation, asking them to request for "an oldie but goodie".

audience collocations
3) After the landing, they sought audience with Ati Chieftain Marikudo and offered to buy the entire island.

4) I shall be off-duty on Thursday and intend then to seek audience with Her Grace at the sanctuary.

seek audience example sentences

5) Antonio, unaware of Bosola, sneaks in while it is dark, planning to seek audience with the Cardinal.

6) Cixi decided that the time was ripe for a bureaucratic overhaul, where she personally sought audience with all officials above the level of provincial governor, who had to report to her personally.

7) Their timing turns out to be most fortunate, as they seek audience just after Gandalf has arrived and woken the King from a long slumber.

8) Despite the increased security surrounding the State House after the 1981 coup attempt, Jawara remained available to individuals or delegations seeking audience.

9) At the series finale, Sabina and the Council of Merlin seek audience with Merlin himself, and convince him to aid them in an assault on New York City that would send the magical world out of balance.

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