
run autonomously in a sentence

1) The hardware floating-point unit, if fitted, ran autonomously.

2) While driving, the service runs autonomously in the background and does not require any user interaction.

autonomously collocations
3) THE maltings has recreational facilities on site through the Sports u0026 Social Club run autonomously by local residents.

4) Otherwise LIFESPAN runs autonomously.

run autonomously example sentences

5) The mission is India's first inter-planetary journey that requires developing technology to allow a probe to run autonomously.

6) The idea of a subroutine that can be scheduled to run autonomously might help explain what a thread is.

7) India has never before attempted an inter-planetary journey which has required the development of technology enabling the probe to run autonomously.

8) Nobody knows does NOT mean it is secure ... Yes, there actually is a JavaVM autonomously running inside the SIM card.

9) One of only a handful of bond-only student-investor programs in the nation and the only one autonomously run by undergraduates, BASIS is guided by Professors George Morgan and Derek Klock.

10) Thus machine manufacturers can make up native apps that run entirely autonomously on the target unit – a tablet computer, for instance, and place only a minimum load on the control system.

11) Another approach is to make use of restriction enzymes or deoxyribozymes to cleave the strands and cause the walker to move forward, which has the advantage of running autonomously.

12) Although the institutions are run autonomously, they were until recently governed by a joint body, The Council of Knox College and Salmond College.

13) The School of Art and Design, technically a sub-unit of the College of Ceramics but autonomously run with its own dean, is further subdivided into divisions.

14) The stomach, intestines and colon have a so-called "second brain" wrapped around them, which autonomously runs the chemical factory of digestion.

example sentences with autonomously

15) While in Mars' shadow most of the instruments were turned off and the "Philae" lander was autonomously running on batteries.

16) While Indymedias worldwide are run autonomously and differ according to the concerns of their users, they share a commitment to provide copyleft content.

17) It will also share the learning and train a local project manager so that the event can be run autonomously in subsequent years.

18) " Despite of this oversight, the station usually ran autonomously.

19) " Alfred's School of Engineering (also autonomously run with its own dean) currently has four state-supported programs and two privately endowed programs.

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