
run auction in a sentence

1) He has been running auctions for more than 20 years.

2) These sellers have established eBay reputations for selling high-quality products and running fair auctions.

auction collocations
3) Bid as many times and on as many hats as you like during this running auction.

4) The gallery features monthly exhibitions, a variety of public programs and also runs an annual art auction in St Albert.

run auction example sentences

5) Their Onexim bank ran auctions for the government, in which bidders won the right to loan the Russian government money.

6) Should a buyer be found, those running the auction will be the first to be paid, an estimated €2m each, followed by the 71 airport workers who were made redundant.

7) To raise further funds for the charity, fans were able to purchase the match shirts worn by the players on the night through an auction run by the club.

8) Normally, such advisers will run an informal auction for the target so as to introduce competitive bidding and encourage a high price for the shares.

9) Since 2004 Jagex has made donations to a number of national and international charities, as well as running charity auctions for signed merchandise.

10) However, the company may be allowed to maintain it for long enough to run an auction to see if a white knight can be found.

11) The online auction was run by the Force's Dog Unit and gave members of the public the opportunity to bid on the rights to name a puppy while raising essential funds for NSW Police Legacy.

12) If the person does any e-commerce ( runs eBay auctions or has an Etsy store), act quickly to get those shut down.

13) Hostess, which is liquidating its business after 82 years, was set to run an auction on Thursday for the brands, but there will be no auction since there were no other bids, the source said.

14) Beetles said people who participate in online auctions run by charitable organizations sometimes suspend their critical judgment because the money is going toward a good cause .

example sentences with auction

15) The following is an email I got from JP King, the auction house who ran the Georgia auction:

16) run a proper auction . – that's the salesy bit of their job, and most agents are very good at it.

17) " The letter is expected to reach between $40,000 – $60,000 (£26,300 – £39,000), and will go on sale in an online auction run by Profiles In History on May 30.

18) 'We are very keen in principle to run auctions in countries where works of art are not exportable, and are happy to act as 'local auctioneers'' said Thompson.

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