
revenue assurance in a sentence

1) People are still learning the skill set of revenue assurance.

2) This form of revenue assurance is most commonly promoted by consultancies.

assurance collocations
3) Another conjecture is that revenue assurance is a response to changing market conditions.

4) In many telecommunications service providers, revenue assurance is led by a dedicated revenue assurance department.

revenue assurance example sentences

5) revenue assurance (RA) is a niche business activity most commonly undertaken within businesses that provide telecommunication services.

6) There is some debate about the relative merits of the different techniques that can be employed in revenue assurance.

7) revenue assurance is often regarded by practitioners as a low-cost mechanism to generate significant financial returns for telecommunications service providers.

8) This observation has some merit but does not explain the increasing popularity of revenue assurance in telcos serving growth markets.

9) The rationale for why revenue assurance has come to be considered particularly important in telecommunications, unlike other industries, is disputed.

10) revenue assurance Controls 3.33 Primarily, in a hotel revenue assurance controls happen in both Room revenue u0026 F u0026B Revenue.

11) A 25 Technical Guide on Audit in Hotel Industry detailed checklist which can be adopted for revenue assurance is given in Appendix 1.

12) An organization should be careful when automating revenue assurance as it may end up with an expensive and inflexible solution which no one can manage effectively.

13) Some scientific research in other fields is also applicable to revenue assurance, though most revenue assurance "facts" rely heavily on anecdotes and oft-repeated truisms.

14) Some scientific research in other fields is also applicable to revenue assurance, though most revenue assurance "facts" rely heavily on anecdotes and oft-repeated truisms.

example sentences with assurance

15) As yet, there is no professional body, no qualifications, and no academic research that would help to drive consensus about the purpose or methods of revenue assurance.

16) This form of revenue assurance is most commonly promoted by software houses that aim to provide databases and configurable tools to extract and interrogate a telco's source data.

17) It also in part contradicts the assumption of a compelling costs versus benefits argument for revenue assurance, which would be enhanced in businesses undergoing rapid change.

18) revenue assurance is a practical response to perceived or actual issues with operational underperformance, most commonly relating to billing and collection of revenue.

19) " revenue assurance" is a broad umbrella term.

20) Among the disciplines in revenue assurance are:

21) For example, in decreasing order of frequency, revenue assurance may cover:

22) (3) Increased annual spend on revenue assurance has not resulted in a clear downward trend in estimates;

23) (4) the difficulty in reliably measuring the value added by revenue assurance as separable from underlying performance.

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