
return affection in a sentence

1) Robin seemed to return Bat-Girl's affection , while Batman remained aloof.

affection collocations
2) Florence was deeply in love with the boarder but her affections were not returned .

3) The governors returned the affection .

return affection example sentences

4) She is too much in love with George's memory to return Dobbin's affections .

5) She is in fact in love with Powell, but he does not return the affection .

6) The storyline involved Kito repeatedly professing his love for Mio, who refused to return the affection .

7) His affection was returned , but the parents of the young lady interfered and removed her from Kilkenny.

8) However, Seijuro returned only Fuzuki's affections and arranged things so the two could be engaged.

9) It's a love song with somebody who's obsessed with someone else, but none of that affection is returned .

10) The noble soul naturally shows affection for the object of its love, but this affection is also returned (8.16).

11) I now return such affection by rejoicing that he has left this miserable life, and is now in a place of repose.

12) Perhaps the principle is that if the owner loves the Biro, the Biro will return the affection and become a loyal companion.

13) Pierre only returned Marcie's affections , however, a fact to which Peppermint Patty remained oblivious even when they were holding hands right in front of her.

14) He does not return this affection , however, and calls her "quiet Lucy Snowe" and "a being inoffensive as a shadow.

15) But according to Paul Holmes, Date could not return Minton's affection and seemed always a little embarrassed to be the object of such attention.

example sentences with return affection

example sentences with return affection

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