
restricted availability in a sentence

1) A restricted availability occupied her during most of January 1975.

2) The ship then underwent restricted availability from 18 to 19 August.

availability collocations
3) She spent the month of August in restricted availability.

4) The risk-benefit ratios demand their restricted availability .

restricted availability example sentences

5) The warship began a restricted availability from 31 July to 9 September.

6) She remained there, undergoing a restricted availability, into early January 1968.

7) Upon completion of this operation, "Blueback" commenced a restricted availability.

8) The destroyer underwent a restricted availability at Yokosuka between mid-October and mid-December.

9) She spent the period from then until mid-October engaged in upkeep and a restricted availability.

10) November and December saw the ship undergo restricted availability at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

11) The ship returned to her home port on 2 February and began a pre-overhaul restricted availability.

12) In January 1986, the amphibious transport dock began a restricted availability at pierside in Norfolk.

13) On 19 December, she entered the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard for a restricted availability.

14) Banking and Finance Several business contacts reported difficulty meeting financing needs because of restricted availability of credit.

example sentences with availability

15) The guided missile cruiser conducted a four-week restricted availability and then resumed operations along the California coast.

16) Upon her return to Norfolk, the ship underwent restricted availability from 4 May until 16 July.

17) She completed a restricted availability at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (30 January–17 March 1980).

18) The first six months of 1966 were spent in amphibious refresher training and restricted availability at San Diego.

19) A period of upkeep and restricted availability at U.S. Naval Station, Key West began 1 May.

20) She spent September and October in restricted availability and on standby duty, ready to support NASA operations.

21) She entered the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation shipyard at San Pedro on 5 April for a restricted availability.

22) Turner Joy arrived home on 1 February and, two weeks later, began a month-long restricted availability.

23) The ship returned to New Orleans on 27 March and spent from March through June in restricted availability.

24) In any event, reality and theoretical counter arguments weaken the case for the restricted availability of specific performance.

25) In November, the destroyer began receiving services from in preparation for a restricted availability (RAV).

26) On 21 January, she began a restricted availability at the Bethlehem Steel shipyard located in San Francisco.

27) I have been asked to write to you about the restricted availability of the public toilets in Scorton.

How to use availability in a sentence

28) During this period, the tank landing ship underwent a seven-week restricted availability followed by refresher training at Yokosuka.

29) The fleet tug arrived in Pearl Harbor on 28 May and began post-deployment stand down and a restricted availability.

30) After three weeks of restricted availability at Subic Bay, "Alamo" sailed on 20 April for Yokosuka.

31) On 19 December, she moved to the Triple "A" shipyard to begin a six-week restricted availability.

32) Those evolutions lasted until 14 October at which time she began a restricted availability at pierside in San Diego.

33) At the beginning of November, "Albert David" began restricted availability at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard.

34) Following a restricted availability through July 1982, "Towers" resumed the familiar pattern of operations out of Yokosuka.

35) The submarine began a restricted availability on 17 July and, on 8 August, began final preparations for deployment.

36) The destroyer arrived back in Long Beach on 1 June and began a three-month restricted availability in the naval shipyard.

37) The usual post-deployment stand-down ensued as did a restricted availability at the Todd Shipyard in Los Angeles, California.

38) Following a short cruise for gunnery practice, "Taylor" commenced a restricted availability which lasted until late in November.

39) On 16 October, she commenced an upkeep period followed by a period of restricted availability which lasted through 30 November.

40) In May "Brough" spent two weeks at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Maine, under-going a restricted availability.

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