
responsible attitude in a sentence

1) He admired his responsible attitude towards his own family.

2) Socially responsible attitudes will be favorably depicted and reinforced.

attitude collocations
3) Precisely for this reason they must have an extremely responsible attitude.

4) Tumber generally praised media personnel for adopting a responsible attitude in their reporting.

responsible attitude example sentences

5) However, it is imperative that all hill users develop responsible attitudes towards the countryside.

6) Of course every juror must take a common sense and responsible attitude to his duties.

7) This, she said, showed a man with a responsible attitude to guns.

8) Mr Marchant added: We hope they will adopt a responsible attitude to the problem.

9) Reformers, like the provisional government, take a responsible attitude. society, with all its faults.

10) Publishers will exercise good taste and a responsible attitude as to the use of language in their comics.

11) Only from independent people, matured to the filognosy of the order, a responsible attitude can be expected.

12) The successful applicant will possess these skills teamed with a professional, enthusiastic, pro-active, enthusiastic and responsible attitude.

13) Alfredo Riverol is a highly conscientious public servant with a collaborative but fiscally responsible attitude in the use of public funds.

14) Future Publishing said both they and Littlewoods were committed to preventing underage gambling and sought to promote a responsible attitude towards gambling.

example sentences with attitude

15) To solve the Peninsula issue, all the parties involved should work together, and play their roles with a responsible attitude.

16) Hopefully any investigation will focus not only on who was responsible but also on how to create and maintain a responsible attitude in the ranks.

17) Health education programmes in schools can contribute towards the development of a concept of safety and a responsible attitude towards maintaining a safe environment.

18) That's why it is really important to strengthen the student community's awareness, promoting responsible attitude towards the environment and sustainable development.

19) To quote that well-known politician again, I am not interested in 'airy-fairy' solutions; but I am interested in promoting responsible attitudes to life.

20) The decision to somehow permanently identify the puppies you sell demonstrates a responsible attitude and shows a willingness to be held accountable for what you've produced.

21) Expressing scorn for spoiled French workers; and cheering the grown up, responsible attitudes of those, like French President Sarkozy who seek to cut promised retirement benefits.

22) Make sure staff know what is expected of them - a responsible attitude towards drinking, standards of work performance and so on.

23) It may all be so, from the indolent of ignorance the responsible attitude of passion cannot be denied to be the better.

24) We also adopted a positive and responsible attitude and a safeguards agreement was reached, so facts speak louder ... than some reports".

25) Steiner's stated prerequisites to beginning on a spiritual path include a willingness to take up serious cognitive studies, a respect for factual evidence, and a responsible attitude.

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