
resolution authorize in a sentence

1) Have the Board adopt resolutions authorizing the equalizing distributions.

2) The FCEDA adopts a final resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.

authorize collocations
3) Board members on March 18 approved a resolution authorizing issuance of individual procurement cards .

4) The resolution authorized the President to "use any means necessary" against Iraq.

resolution authorize example sentences

5) The federal government will shut down Oct. 1 unless Congress passes another continuing resolution authorizing further spending .

6) In 1791, Congress passed a resolution authorizing President George Washington to establish a mint.

7) The Tonkin Gulf resolution authorized the President to use the military, as he required.

8) In December 1992, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution authorizing the proposed UN participation.

9) Members of political subdivisions are eligible only if the local government has passed the resolution authorizing this provision.

10) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a resolution authorizing the President to use military force in Syria .

11) On January 13, 1859, a resolution authorizing witnesses to be called was adopted by the House.

12) Britain is drafting a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing all " necessary measures" to protect Syrian civilians.

13) The House followed the report's recommendation and adopted a resolution authorizing the Judiciary Committee to investigate the Judge.

14) The resolution authorizes town managers in the three communities to bring detailed questions about Summit's plan to company officials.

example sentences with authorize

15) After the first UN resolution, the US and the UK pushed for a second resolution authorizing an invasion.

16) All those who voted for the resolution authorizing the president to attack Iraq have really already voted for this supplemental.

17) Over the next two weeks, a joint resolution authorizing the use of force was passed by both houses of Congress.

18) War must be authorized by the U.N. Security Council, and in this case the council rejected a resolution authorizing war.

19) Oct. 3, 2002 - Leaders of The House of Representatives have agreed to a resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.

20) The Senate resolution authorizing the detail of three naval officers to inspect transports in the service of the War Department was adopted.

21) On October 11, 2002, Durbin was one of 23 senators to vote against the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War.

22) Only a few months later, though, in February 2000, a new UN resolution authorized the deployment of 11,000 combatants.

23) While the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution authorizing the use of force, cracks are emerging within the Democrat caucus.

24) Emanuel was elected after the October 2002 joint Congressional resolution authorizing the Iraq War, and so did not vote on it.

25) On October 11, 2002, he was one of 77 Senators who voted for the Iraq resolution authorizing the Iraq invasion.

26) In other business last week, the school board approved a resolution authorizing a purchase agreement for a building on Rice Street in Elmore for $150,000.

27) This week, the House Rules Committee voted along party lines supporting a resolution authorizing the lawsuit, which is expected to be approved by the House next week.

28) Ê as may be provided by the Commission in a resolution authorizing their issuance and in any indenture or other proceedings appertaining thereto.

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