request for aid in a sentence
1) Haiti has issued a request for aid from the Haitian diaspora.
aid collocations
2) Will not forget to request for aid in your social media advertising.
3) Requests for aid to the scheme are determined by an advisory committee.
request for aid example sentences
4) He was so generous that he could refuse no request for aid .5) Why weren't their requests for aid during the event even responded to?
6) None of General Linares' frantic requests for aid reached Pareja.
7) The Muslims then complained to al-Nasir's secretary and requested for aid .
8) If your school is eligible for financial assistance, please submit a request for aid .
9) It is hoped that this procedure will permit the formalizing of requests for aid .
10) Rybak and Pawlenty gave the president detailed requests for aid during a closed-door meeting.
11) Students complete FAFSA and submit requests for aid to the Office of Student Aid.
12) Ynetnews notes Turkey's request for aid from Israel following the earthquake in eastern Turkey.
13) There was some confusion, however, as to whether any formal requests for aid had been received.
14) After his request for aid from the United States was denied, he drew closer to the Eastern bloc.
15) Officials within the department have complained, privately, that staff numbers are insufficient to handle the requests for aid .
example sentences with request for aid
16) Added to this was a request for aid from the King of TÃr Eóghain, Domhnall mac Briain Ó Néill.17) Syracuse received a request for aid from Selinus after this fiasco, which was voted but nothing was done at this time.
18) As the result of a request for aid on their behalf, Grand Lodge set up a special committee to act in the matter.
19) The cabinet could react to requests for aid or action from that part of the country mainly by issuing declarations and protest notes to the Allies or by public agitation.
20) Empress Anna's requests for aid from foreign powers proved unsuccessful, as both Orhan and the beylik of Karasi rebuffed her overtures for assistance.
21) This man, as it seems, had once been sent as an ambassador from Mithridates to Tigranes, with a request for aid against the Romans.
22) In 1646 he was in Egypt at the court of the Coptic Pope Mark VI, who dispatched him to India in 1652, evidently in response to a request for aid from Archdeacon Thomas.
23) He denied direct knowledge about this but told the agent that the party had turned down Soviet and East German requests for aid with espionage.
24) Brown testified that this was because Louisiana Governor Blanco had not included those parishes in her initial request for aid , a decision that he found "shocking.
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