
request authorization in a sentence

1) For the more recent files, it is necessary to request an authorization.

2) The State may request authorization on this basis only in very unusual circumstances.

authorization collocations
3) Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked Web site.

4) Once the authorization is requested, it can only be executed in two hour intervals.

request authorization example sentences

5) Kennedy also sends to Congress a message requesting authorization of the Peace Corps as a permanent organization.

6) When the situation turned desperate, Col. del Canto himself traveled to Lima to request authorization to retreat.

7) Some countries have requested an explicit authorization of the United Nations Security Council before committing troops to Iraq.

8) MCI Lockheed indeed was one of the first companies to request FCC authorization for domestic satellite- based communications.

9) Meanwhile, Jefferson requested authorization from Congress to raise 30,000 troops from the current standing army of 2,800.

10) The claim that Richard Clarke did not receive the requested shoot-down authorization until 10:25 (240).

11) At the time of rental we will request an authorization on your charge card for the estimated rental charges.

12) For any other use that involves copyright, contact the authors, who hold the copyright, to request authorization.

13) Although Greenup granted the requested authorization, Scott re-married on July 25, 1807, and never assembled the militia unit.

14) The STD shall submit a right-of-way certification in accordance with 23 CFR 635.309(p) when requesting FHWA's authorization.

example sentences with authorization

15) Afilias allows access to an authorized registrar only if each of the authentication factors matches the specific requirements of the requested authorization.

16) Rather, a creditor organization must request an authorization to collect a fee from us each time it applies to be payee.

17) An entity may request authorization with the written understanding that no state funds will be available to offset the cost of the project.

18) Managers at all levels will consider alternatives (e.g., correspondence, telephone, teleconference, etc.) prior to requesting travel authorization.

19) On 23 June 2011, the Prosecutor formally requested the authorization from a Pre-Trial Chamber to begin an investigation into crimes allegedly committed in Côte d'Ivoire.

20) Reshef requested authorization from Sharon to withdraw his brigade to Fort Lakekan, to regroup his forces and allow them to regain combat effectiveness.

21) The commander of the German Naval Airship Service, Peter Strasser, requests the authorization of a force of 30 naval Zeppelins, 24 for use over the North Sea and six for service over the Baltic Sea.

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