
report author in a sentence

1) This document outlines common problems and solutions encountered by report authors.

2) The report authors have a good pedigree for this research .

author collocations
3) The report's authors point out, however, that such social changes are not essential.

4) A number of these shifts could occur this century, say the report's authors.

report author example sentences

5) The Medact report authors lament the dearth of solid information about the side effects of war.

6) Smoking is not the only area where lifestyle changes are still needed, the report authors said.

7) The report authors observed that the metal stocks in society can serve as huge mines above ground.

8) The labor force, too, could lose long-term employability, say the report's authors.

9) The report's authors have publicly stated their disquiet over such a misuse of their work.

10) According to an article in Folha de São Paulo, the report authors resigned from their positions.

11) The report authors say China is the only country to mass-produce batons with spikes built into them.

12) The report authors suggested rather that medical cannabis users occupied a "continuum" between medical and nonmedical use.

13) The " silver tsunami" is the result of simple supply-and-demand forces gone awry, the report authors explained.

14) The intended audience is more experienced report authors who want to extend and integrate reporting with more services-oriented environments.

example sentences with author

15) Provided the previous information and examples, new report authors might still have difficulties when querying XML data sources.

16) For now, the report authors can only theorize about what lies behind these differences in HIV care.

17) The report's author, Lord Robbins, was later appointed the University's first Chancellor in 1968.

18) report lead author, climate commissioner Will Steffen, and Climate Change Minister Greg Combet warned against complacency.

19) The report's authors believe that the developments in community care could contribute to further reductions in acute hospital services.

20) But while no actual evidence of cross-contamination was found, the report's authors say the study raises many questions.

21) The report's authors, William Emmons and Bryan Noeth, made two projections for household wealth in the future.

22) Building upon our previous example, report authors can query XML data directly from a data source such as SQL Server.

23) The report's authors say, although the results should be treated with caution, more research needs to be done.

24) The graphic above was created by the report authors, Swart and Weaver, and is made available on this webpage.

25) He maintained, unlike the report's authors, that increasing funding for school-based financial literacy programs would be a mistake.

26) Mrs Maguire, slamming the report's authors, told LBC radio: 'We can go home tonight and sleep.

27) The report's authors found that many more students would lose federal aid eligibility under the rules than the department has estimated.

How to use author in a sentence

28) Even though Android is open source, the core technology is under Google's "strict controls," report authors wrote.

29) The report authors specifically want to highlight the incentive behind empowering women in addition to promoting equality as a basic human right.

30) The report authors noted the importance of these analyses for informing policymakers about potential differential effectiveness of the programs for diverse constituencies.

31) John Philpott, the report's author, said the rise 'is having quite an important dampening effect on unemployment numbers.

32) report authors who do not have knowledge of the source XML schema can use the auto-detection feature of the XML data provider.

33) The report's author, Sir Ieuan Maddock, a former chief scientist at the Department of Industry, says the Ministry of Defence is partly to blame for this stagnation in 'technology transfer'.

34) report authors said the jump in fraud last year reflected both more aggressive reporting by lenders and the tight lending environment, which is prompting borrowers and lenders to act illegally.

35) The report's authors claimed it highlighted the growing monetary demands affecting retired people and warned the situation is further putting pressure on their income.

36) The report authors provided their response to these comments in March 2006 (Argonne and UIUC) and submitted the final report and its appendices with minor editorial changes to the ICC in April 2006.

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