
refute assumption in a sentence

1) Recent scientific studies, however, refute this assumption.

2) Does this refute the assumption that nations pursue their selfinterest?

assumption collocations
3) If so, we will now refute that assumption.

4) Noam Chomsky refuted Skinner's assumptions.

refute assumption example sentences

5) Some authorities say that this refutes key assumptions of progressive thinkers such as Dewey.

6) Now let us return to reality, which happens to refute the assumption underlying the previous counterfactual.

7) Only Karl Dietel refuted this incorrect assumption in his work "Der Große Waldstein im Fichtelgebirge".

8) He refuted this assumption by showing that much of what we "know" about the world consists of complex "attitudes" or "tendencies" that make us lean towards one interpretation over another.

9) Dreyfus was able to refute the biological assumption by citing research in neurology that suggested that the action and timing of neuron firing had analog components.

10) Lucas et al., however, refutes the assumption that fluid breast milk itself has no or minimal beneficial function on cognitive performance later in life.

11) In particular, they refuted the assumption of Confucius as a godlike figure and considered him as the greatest sage, but simply a human and mortal.

12) The paper appeared in Science and refuted the long-held assumption that all living things need phosphorus to function, as well as other elements including carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

13) 4 can not by itself refute this assumption.

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