
recent archaeological in a sentence

1) The most recent archaeological findings with interpretation are presented.

archaeological collocations
2) However, recent archaeological investigations have challenged this assertion.

3) Parts of a conduit with ceramic pipes were uncovered during recent archaeological excavations.

recent archaeological example sentences

4) A recent archaeological excavation was conducted at Pattanam, south of Kodungallur.

5) New illustrations of seventeenth-century artifacts and buildings enrich the texts with recent archaeological findings.

6) The campaign aimed to encourage tourists to visit Egypt, focusing on recent archaeological discoveries.

7) Also, recent archaeological discoveries shed some light on Vlaardingen in the 11th century.

8) IMPORTANT discoveries have been made about the early history of Glasgow Cathedral during recent archaeological excavations.

9) The recent archaeological discoveries in Moscow have provided a wealth of new data on Russian history.

10) Warfare is correlated with such looting, as is demonstrated by the recent archaeological looting in Iraq.

11) More recent archaeological has been made by France, with research periods in 1998, 1999 and 2000.

12) In a recent archaeological survey, the Sibbosberg cave was defined as a natural formation of geological interest.

13) In fact, recent archaeological excavations have suggested a vast Spanish-Indian alliance numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

14) According to recent archaeological findings, ancient Chinese music was much more developed and sophisticated than is generally believed.

15) The "golden one" was actually not a place but a person - as recent archaeological research confirms.

example sentences with recent archaeological

16) The well-preserved corpse was discovered during a recent archaeological excavation in northern Sudan along the banks of the Nile River.

17) A recent archaeological survey was inconclusive but suggests the site may be much older than the supposed 18th century colony.

18) Older scenarios of poverty, depopulation, barbarian destruction and civil decay have been revised in light of recent archaeological discoveries.

19) More recent archaeological theories have questioned this migrationist interpretation and argue for a more complex relationship between Britain and the Continent.

20) Michael Lee displays his map of celestial alignments and cultural uses layered over the recent archaeological survey of Honua'ula.

21) As it happens, recent archaeological research suggests modern Europeans are descended from the Neolithic peoples who completely displaced the Paleolithic Europeans?

22) But, recent archaeological discoveries suggest that the first settlement dated to circa 990, possibly the relocation of settlers at Uppåkra.

23) In the hands of most recent archaeological research will travel through time and history to show the mysteries of these brilliant civilizations .

24) Following the Mauryan conquest of the region, Buddhism became a major faith, at least in urban centres, as attested by recent archaeological and hermeneutic evidence.

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