
receive authorization in a sentence

1) The county treasurer receives authorization to collect taxes.

2) A few moments later he receives an authorization.

authorization collocations
3) Consequently, the distribution of foreign coins received authorization.

4) Successful enterprises will receive an authorization valid for three years.

receive authorization example sentences

5) Your card will be debited upon authorization being received .

6) receive written authorization from SSA to collect a fee.

7) receive written authorization from SSA prior to collecting a fee.

8) On October 25 the parade received final authorization to go ahead.

9) In many instances, Chase never received the necessary authorization from customers.

10) Botnia received the environmental authorization to build a mill in February 2005.

11) The college also received the authorization to grant MFA degrees in Creative Writing.

12) Users must not share their computer account with others who have not received authorization.

13) Previously, the operators would be permitted to intercept only after receiving government authorization.

14) The same year, Calimaya received authorization to hold a weekly market on Thursdays.

example sentences with authorization

15) Do not return the product until you have received an authorization from our Office.

16) How long does it typically take to receive the work authorization and advance parole combo card?

17) After years of trying, the JDC received authorization for his permanent exit from Germany.

18) The new rules permit carriers to receive authorization for changes in telephone service over the Internet.

19) Hein escapes and boards the Zeus space-station where he finally receives authorization to fire the cannon.

20) Ed and Lorraine return to the house to gather evidence to receive authorization for the exorcism.

21) He suggested that had Obama done so, he would have received authorization for his actions.

22) GenBank assumes that the submitter has received any necessary informed consent authorizations required prior to submitting sequences.

23) In October 1965, General Westmoreland received authorization to launch a U.S. military cross-border recon effort.

24) The boats received an authorization from the electrical company and police to operate their engines at night.

25) By 1835, Michigan had formed a state government without receiving authorization from Congress to do so.

26) The government requires that religious groups receive official authorization before they can meet, even in private homes.

27) However, as of 2014, Logan has not received authorization on any script or filming rights.

How to use authorization in a sentence

28) May 14 – The RAF receives authorization to attack German aircraft on Vichy French airfields in Syria.

29) His lawyers told Amnesty International that they have received authorization to visit him in detention on Friday .

30) In 1981, JCPD received authorization from the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to conduct annual in-service training.

31) Moses received authorization to build the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge from the New York State Legislature in April 1937.

32) Such amendments or modifications shall become effective only after the Parties have received any authorizations required from the Commission.

33) Wheaton received authorization to establish a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1932, twenty years after achieving college status.

34) Petite said he received authorization by telephone from Banks to speak for AIM and to urge Indians to carry weapons.

35) Also in 1988 WBLY (which was a "daytime" station) received authorization to operate 24 hours per day.

36) In 2007, the two provinces received authorization to bring in more temporary foreign workers than the rest of Canada combined.

37) In 1831, he received diocesan authorization for his society, which was made up of parochial clerics and lay catechists.

38) Again, it is important to note that treatment or enrollment in a plan cannot be conditioned upon receiving authorization.

39) On 18 February 1998, Pfizer launched Trovan after it received FDA authorization for treatment of a number of adult illnesses.

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