
reasonably assume in a sentence

1) Based on these facts, scholars can reasonably assume that the poem is nearly complete.

2) They could also reasonably assume that this information is not retained for law enforcement purposes.

assume collocations
3) We would reasonably assume the same for any particular structure, such as the front leg.

4) One could reasonably assume that such coverage adds one-half million individuals, for a total of 4.3 million.

reasonably assume example sentences

5) Halliburton was the only U.S. based organization reasonably assumed to be capable of completing a contract of that scale.

6) Based on past behavior, however, we can reasonably assume that there are two primary forces driving its actions.

7) Remember that e-mail is admissible as long as it can be reasonably assumed that the e-mail originated from the defendant.

8) It is, however, generally and reasonably assumed, essentially on the grounds that there is no other possible candidate.

9) Gödel suggested that quasi-empirical methodology could be used to provide sufficient evidence to be able to reasonably assume such a conjecture.

10) But at some point, they should be able to reasonably assume that nobody is laser-focused on leaping into their skulls.

11) Since this is an official Earth in the multiverse, one can reasonably assume that there is a Legion of Earth-31.

12) Since EGCG is traditionally consumed by drinking green tea which is brewed by steeping in boiling water, Serena reasonably assumed the compound is chemically unaltered below this temperature.

13) One can reasonably assume that Seadragon's appendectomy had probably been widely discussed in the submarine force before Roby and Moore did their operations on Grayback and Silversides.

14) I urinate in front of you, so you can reasonably assume that, should I have the urge, I would cry in front of you, alright?

example sentences with assume

15) And so we may reasonably assume that certain stripes, or punishments, will be permitted to follow the world in just the same manner.

16) Therefore, and due to the good consistency of the shape in both of the signed Bates Letters, it can be reasonably assumed that the signature has a particular meaning beyond of just being a letter.

17) Despite of strenuous denials, most observers reasonably assume these abrupt changes in the long-standing foreign policy objectives of both states to be the result of pressures exerted by the Kremlin.

18) We may reasonably assume from Franco's portly appearance throughout the" hungry years" that dolphin sandwiches and low-quality fish did not constitute his staple diet.

19) We can reasonably assume that our brain pulses do create thought, and we can reasonably say that activity in a specific area will probably make us feel a certain way.

20) Because The Spotted Cow Creamery's focus is retail sales of ice cream and other food items, Holger can reasonably assume that sales volume drives this variable cost.

21) One may reasonably assume that mutations will continue at roughly the same rate, and so perhaps we could estimate how far in the future a time traveler is from. 2.

22) If on arrival he hands them over to someone whom he reasonably assumes to be authorised to receive them, then he has carried out his duty of delivery, Galbraith and Grant v. Block (1922 K.B.).

23) After the completion of the third candle in the pattern, traders can reasonably assume the trend has turned back to its primary direction while looking for fresh opportunities to sell the USDCHF.

24) While the lease entered into evidence had no signature or date on it, one could reasonably assume that the lease was signed prior to the 12 th of August.

25) It may be reasonably assumed that in reality, both perfusion transport by blood circulation, and diffusion transport in tissues where there is little or no blood flow occur.

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