
ready availability in a sentence

1) Heavy industry was attracted to the region by the ready availability of coal.

2) People in general, though prefer trains because of ready availability and more convenience.

availability collocations
3) The most commonly abused drug on reservations is marijuana because of its ready availability.

4) Their ready availability has now made drugs a problem for youths in the area.

ready availability example sentences

5) Advantages of handheld drain augers include low relative cost and ready availability through hardware stores.

6) It is the ready availability of ice that explains the difference between English and central European brewers.

7) Various small signs of the times point to this, including the ready availability of hotel rooms.

8) In addition, the ready availability of a Linux port to this core makes it extremely attractive.

9) Without question, their ready availability will benefit all of us, consumers and healthcare practitioners alike.

10) The goals are excellent products, ready availability, with fast and accurate turnaround from order to delivery.

11) Houston pioneered American car culture in the early 1900s thanks to the ready availability of inexpensive gasoline.

12) Fabrigar et al. suggest that the ready availability of computer resources have rendered this practical concern irrelevant.

13) With the ready availability of the salt, it is definitely practical and cost effective for the museum.

14) The gangs are rooted in the poverty of Honduras, and in the ready availability of crack cocaine.

example sentences with availability

15) The ready availability of thousands of instructional videos has greatly expanded the popularity of this easy to learn instrument.

16) Communicate with staff regarding upcoming downtime and ensure ready availability of the appropriate tools to support staff during the downtime.

17) Limited hiring plans and ready worker availability in most sectors and regions have held down increases in wages and compensation.

18) Cultural anthropology in the United States was influenced greatly by the ready availability of Native American societies as ethnographic subjects.

19) The ready availability of ground cereals would have enabled mothers to feed their infants soft, high-carbohydrate porridges and gruels.

20) A huge reason for the adoption of PDF as a standard is the ready availability of the free Adobe Reader.

21) With an eye to anti-trust issues and ready radio availability, Meteorcomm radio designs have been second-sourced to CalAmp radios.

22) The purpose of the discount window actions was to assure depositories of the ready availability of a backstop source of liquidity.

23) This is a critical benefit, because it means extremely rapid assimilation and ready availability to meet your body's immediate needs.

24) O N T HIS P AGE: Dr. M.L. Madan stresses the importance of ready availability of information on the dairy Industry.

25) Or, since Mr. Horsley says that he has given up drugs and prostitution, one might think that considering the ready availability of those vices here, the United States was protecting Mr. Horsley.

26) The choice to do so is her legal right, and it is a right practically enabled through the ready availability of numerous consumer technologies providing women control over their own fertility.

27) Not only does its technology guarantee absolute consistency of product quality; it also enables us to ensure ready availability in the face of a continued growth in demand.

28) The ready availability of online assessment tools within Virtual Learning Environments has stimulated growing interest in the role of objective tests in Higher and Further Education.

29) NSDI is a physical, organizational, and virtual network designed to achieve cost-effective production, ready availability, and greater utilization of geospatial data across many disciplines.

30) The ready availability of cheap, plastic, monofilament (single stranded) net has revolutionised the distant water fishing fleets of Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.

31) The first is the ready availability of high quality YouTube video commentary from the likes of Day9, Husky, and HD Starcraft . I enjoy watching their casts and learning new strategies.

32) This was aggravated by the ready availability of the Church's defamatory packages ("dead agent packs") about Berry on the Internet.

33) Equating an adult's responsible usage of legal over the ready availability of pseudoephedrine and lack of fortitude to admit someone might have a surgical discharge.

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