
rather abrupt in a sentence

1) Acute – with a sharp rather abrupt ending point.

2) A great read but a rather abrupt ending.

3) Although quite young she was rather abrupt in her manner.

rather abrupt example sentences

4) So, here's the rather abrupt summary.

5) This happy economic constellation came to a rather abrupt end around 1670.

6) I drew our phone call to a rather abrupt end and I am sorry.

7) And Lara 's character arc from frightened teen to one-woman army is rather abrupt .

8) The re-transition to recapitulation is rather abrupt , yet a clever use of common tone modulation can be observed.

9) There's already been too-" she glances suddenly to one side at the rather abrupt noise of Johnny collapsing.

10) Abruptly.) Thornton has to kill them all, which means the book is a sequence of rather abrupt episodes.

11) The Iamlost Primer To Affiliate Marketing Some time back Kim asked Is Affiliate Marketing Dead and I was rather abrupt .

12) When liquid at high velocity discharges into a zone of lower velocity, a rather abrupt rise occurs in the liquid surface.

13) I think the cast is really what gave it its charm and spirit ; it did end in a rather abrupt way.

14) Subsequent checks with this K6E pilot showed that during spin recoveries in the K13 his elevator movements were rather abrupt and uncontrolled.

15) While I was fumbling with my cellular phone – rehearsing how to record the press conference – the silver-haired gentleman spoke to me in a rather abrupt way.

use rather abrupt in a sentence

16) When this occurs, the water slows in a rather abrupt rise (a step or standing wave) on the liquid surface.

17) One more recording session date was made in January 1942 and this edition of Artie Shaw and his various bands and orchestras came to a rather abrupt end.

18) At that moment it was certainly obvious to him – you could see it in his eyes – that his career had come to a rather abrupt end .

19) Speaking to the mag , she revealed her rather abrupt approach to getting her hands on that Marchesa gown for the MTV Europe Music Awards .

20) 'My, Shelley, you were rather abrupt with that nice young man.'

21) A rather abrupt change of orientation in relation to the tower/minaret and the southern ziyada can easily be noticed.

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