
quite awesome in a sentence

1) The power in the boat is quite awesome.

2) The film is batshit crazy but really quite awesome .

awesome collocations
3) I happen to think they are quite awesome.

4) The tour of the Heineken Brewery was actually quite awesome.

quite awesome example sentences

5) The Hacks DVD is actually quite awesome.

6) quite awesome to see her hunt for a mate.

7) These additions are all quite awesome and will position Nokia to grow in the future .

8) This new quite awesome arcade machine comes from the beasts over at Bay Tek Games .

9) It's quite awesome and I tend to catch less exotic diseases here than in Malaysia.

10) He clarified, "You see, the whole world around you is quite awesome and magical.

11) Cruzerlite has designed a simple illustration of a circuit board with a Bugdroid that looks quite awesome .

12) I probably could not adequately describe these intros so I won't beyond saying that they are quite awesome.

13) It's actually quite awesome as an introvert, to realize that you don't have to be anymore.

14) In describing Juri, IGN editor Martin Robinson called her " quite awesome" and ""SSFIV"s best.

example sentences with awesome

15) Even in terms of his own quite awesome power he was nothing but an underling in relation to his superior.

16) The physical side of this show is visceral and quite awesome, extremely sweaty and no doubt exhausting for the performers.

17) Sounds is quite awesome, not 200$ awesome sound but for less than 50$, it is really great sound.

18) The first litter of the year, rabbits born in February, will have themselves reproduced by the autumn so the rabbit has, in fact, a quite awesome reproductive ability.

19) As he watched Hopper work, Nicholson came to the conclusion that he was working with a genius, flawed perhaps, but a man whose artistry was, and still is, quite awesome.

20) Later some of the teachers join in u0026 it becomes quite awesome, but does get too loud for me to really be heard on melody, so I work on chords.

21) His description of the casting process was interesting, and his mention that he personally made the paintings in the film was pretty amazing, since they are quite awesome.

22) The presence of the stones was quite tangible, quite awesome, and I somehow felt 'they' had given permission for me to be there.

23) While these stunts had the potential to be quite awesome, director Camille Delamarre absolutely ruined it with his use of quick cuts.

24) To drop a bit of life into a world I created and then see it slowly evolve along a certain path determined by my actions, that sounds quite awesome.

25) quite awesome.

26) 'I'll strum tunes to Your Name, O Jehovah. 51 For the salvation of His king is quite awesome, As is the mercy He's shown His anointed É To David and his seed through the ages .'

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