
prove authenticity in a sentence

1) The deal included a stack of paperwork proving the car's authenticity and telling its life story.

2) The seal was made of wax and was meant to prove the authenticity of the document it sealed.

authenticity collocations
3) There is no need to prove authenticity if this is admitted by the other parties to the proceedings.

4) OpenSSL implemented a feature called heartbeat, which helps in proving the authenticity of computers connected to each other.

prove authenticity example sentences

5) A few days later, the site's authenticity was proven, and claims that it was a hoax were dismissed.

6) The experiment proves the authenticity of the hypothesis as per the information and evidences gathered while doing research on the subject.

7) A few scholars have questioned the passage, contending that the absence of Christian tampering or interpolation does not itself prove authenticity.

8) Determined to help Margaret and prove the authenticity of the Firebird, Nicola enlists the help of Rob, who also has the same psychic abilities as Nicola's, only stronger.

9) With the new guidelines, instructors who incorporate SafeAssign in their class assessments will have to offer at least two prescribed alternatives for proving the authenticity of a student's work.

10) These were used to prove the authenticity of documents carried by heralds (messengers) and is the basis of the word "heraldry" in English.

11) Once more, it proved the authenticity of its projects winning the 2009 SIFE World Cup over universities from more than 40 countries.

12) To prove the Bible's authenticity, individuals felt the need to demonstrate with scientific evidence that the Great Flood had in fact occurred.

13) In commentaries to the publication Maykov mentioned that his driving stimulus was to prove the authenticity of the text - something Ivan Goncharov, for one, was expressing strong doubts about.

14) Although its authenticity is proven by CTU's technicians, Michelle becomes unconvinced of the countries' involvement after her interrogation with Syed Ali.

example sentences with authenticity

15) However, proving the authenticity of a digital signature in a court of law may, in some circumstances, be easier than proving the validity of other types of electronic signatures.

16) His conclusions contradict those of the IAA stating "Our preliminary investigations cannot prove the authenticity of the three objects beyond any doubt.

17) Consequently the first thing that must be stated, and which must be rigorously maintained, is that the exterior manifestations of grace do not prove the authenticity of apparitions!

18) --In that particular column in which you quoted me, I never stated that I specifically have proven the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an...

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