
prove absence in a sentence

1) It is difficult to prove the absence of displacement.

2) This proves the absence of a fair judgement which contradicts with the international human rights charters signed by Morocco.

3) Experienced readers (especially those with strong math backgrounds) rightly note that testing cannot prove the absence of bugs.

prove absence example sentences

4) The isolated cases in which inquisitors had exercised functions proved the absence and not the presence of the system, and will be discussed in a later chapter.

5) It is impossible, however, to prove one's complete innocence conclusively, since this would require that one prove the absence of any crime at any point in time.

6) However, where there is a presumption of undue influence, 81 it is up to the proponent of the will to prove the absence of undue influence.

7) If a phobic flier were able to fly in the cockpit, the pilot's facial response to an unexpected noise or motion would adequately prove the absence of danger.

8) This would require the prosecution to prove the absence of any attempt by Bentley to signal to Craig that he wanted Craig to surrender his weapons to the police.

9) Good point against Gregory ; the absence of a particular word does not prove the absence of the idea connected with the word.

10) The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists.

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