
prosecute attorney in a sentence

1) The prosecuting attorneys ultimately dropped the criminal case.

2) Phillips was elected prosecuting attorney in 2004.

attorney collocations
3) Prosecutors are officially called "criminal and penal prosecuting attorneys".

4) Ask any police officer or prosecuting attorney.

prosecute attorney example sentences

5) What prosecuting attorney can make it stick?

6) The defense and prosecuting attorneys went on to achieve political success.

7) He's more of a prosecuting attorney than anything else.

8) I am appalled at the power given to the prosecuting attorney .

9) Rupert Bond is a politically ambitious African American prosecuting attorney.

10) The prosecuting attorney elected to dismiss the charges against the remaining defendants.

11) They were down on Paul and the hired barrister was prosecuting attorney.

12) Mr. Gilmer was the prosecuting attorney at the trial.

13) Prosecuting attorneys may work in teams as well.

14) He was appointed or elected prosecuting attorney of Hampshire County in 1836.

example sentences with attorney

15) Moses is going to be the prosecuting attorney, bringing the condemnation.

16) Occasionally, grand juries go aggressively beyond the control of the prosecuting attorney.

17) I negotiate with the prosecuting attorney to reach a settlement that is fair.

18) An arraignment takes place only after the prosecuting attorney decides to file charges.

19) The prosecuting attorney may file a dismissal of a minor offense citation or information.

20) The prosecuting attorney then decides whether or not to begin the prosecution over.

21) Case appealed to Lake County Criminal Court and was dismissed by prosecuting attorney.

22) Jeffrey DeMunn as the prosecuting attorney in Andy Dufresne's trial.

23) The prosecuting attorney, John Challee, asks Maryk about his background.

24) The county prosecuting attorney and the judges of the superior court are also independently elected.

25) She resigned from the bench to become the Summit County prosecuting attorney in 1995.

26) The prosecuting attorney of Pulaski County, Arkansas vehemently objected to the commutation.

27) After negotiations with the prosecuting attorney, my client was accepted into a diversion program.

How to use attorney in a sentence

28) They were His prosecuting attorneys.

29) The prosecuting attorney said that McCollum had shot Adams in anger over a disputed bill.

30) The same year saw him elected to a two-year term as prosecuting attorney for Lexington.

31) In 1919, she was appointed the assistant prosecuting attorney for Cleveland's Cuyahoga County.

32) The prosecuting attorney receives 135 percent of a commissioner's salary and the sheriff earns 110 percent.

33) The prosecuting attorney will request a hearing on the order. (12) Court proceedings.

34) They demanded meetings with the mayor, the chief of police, and the prosecuting attorney.

35) When the judge wraps up, he introduces the prosecuting attorney to make his opening statement.

36) The criminal and penal prosecuting attorney will, on request, provide more information about restitution orders.

37) Michael Gmoser, the prosecuting attorney of Butler County, Ohio has asked the same.

38) A prosecuting attorney cannot knowingly withhold evidence that bears witness of the innocence of a defendant.

39) We exchange discovery (evidence) with the prosecuting attorney and seek to exclude any inadmissible evidence.

40) Bradley's political career began in 1870, when he was elected prosecuting attorney of Garrard County.

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