
professional astronomer in a sentence

1) With a professional astronomer's "crowd sourced astronomy" project?

2) Amateur and professional astronomers worldwide are eagerly anticipating comet ISON .

astronomer collocations
3) I am a professional, highly skilled, professional astronomer.

4) She is married to a professional astronomer and lives in Minnesota.

professional astronomer example sentences

5) Such a valuable resource should not be revered solely by professional astronomers.

6) It is equally well suited to professional astronomers as to the interested public.

7) These are used by professional astronomers to conduct a wide range of astronomical research.

8) Some amateur and professional astronomers regularly monitor for outbursts using either optical or radio telescopes.

9) Members are seldom professional astronomers.

10) Yea, like the IAU and professional astronomers are going to take that suggestion seriously.

11) Certain locations in the world that have these qualities have been sought out by professional astronomers.

12) Each team will be paired with a professional astronomer to observe how airborne infrared astronomy is conducted.

13) For the most part, these were too difficult to be used by anyone except professional astronomers.

14) The impact of the public fear of the Nibiru cataclysm has been especially felt by professional astronomers.

example sentences with astronomer

15) The SkyServer also provides a range of tutorials aimed at everyone from schoolchildren up to professional astronomers.

16) Click here to read blog notes from the December 6 meeting of professional astronomers, talking about ISON.

17) This has been a major concern for professional astronomers for the last few decades (International Astronomical Union).

18) The telescope is capable of being operated remotely, and is accessible to amateur and professional astronomers via the internet.

19) The first professional astronomer to support the concept of an infinite Universe was the Englishman Thomas Digges in 1576.

20) Traditionally, a navigator checked his chronometer from his sextant, at a geographic marker surveyed by a professional astronomer.

21) Work of scientific merit is possible, however, and many amateurs successfully contribute to the knowledge base of professional astronomers.

22) This provides a channel for detection that completely circumvents the need for professional astronomers to carry out confirming radial velocity observations.

23) The programme was pitched to casual viewers up to professional astronomers, in a format which remained consistent from its inception.

24) Slacker Astronomy planetarium in the Carmine region displays audio and video shows about astronomical topics and hosts chats with professional astronomers.

25) Therefore it will be open, not only to professional astronomers, but also to anyone with an interest in astronomy.

26) Still, some remain hopeful that amateur and professional astronomers might catch sight of some remnant of the comet, in photos.

27) The discovery instead went to a professional astronomer, Konrad Rudnicki, who shortly thereafter found the comet on photographs taken on the large telescope at Palomar Mountain.

28) In general, large photographic reflectors like Draper's remained the domain of the serious amateur astronomer while the preferred tool of professional astronomers was still the refracting telescope.

29) Here, they will receive preliminary instructions from professional European astronomers, which will enable them to prepare ail observational research programme in all details.

30) With the vast amount of data available now flowing from modern instruments, there is no good way for professional astronomers to verify every detection.

31) The Associated Press just published an article on how the Internet has facilitated an increasing number of collaborations between amateur and professional astronomers.

32) They also highlight the power of the internet, as about three-fourths of the discoveries were made not by professional astronomers, but by amateur stargazers monitoring the SOHO website.

33) It's the famous Whirlpool Galaxy, known to amateur astronomers as M51 and to professional astronomers by any number of catalog names (although usually as M51).

34) There are only a few professional astronomers active in meteor research today, therefore the field relies heavily on the amateur for data.

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