
pass through airport in a sentence

1) This is especially important when passing through airport security or customs.

2) Large numbers of people pass through airports every day.

airport collocations
3) The second I passed through airport security, my lips got dry.

pass through airport example sentences

4) Checkpoint Friendly Design Save time and effort with the checkpoint friendly design when passing through airport security checkpoints.

5) Although it is not included in the soundtrack, Moby's "Slippin' Away" (Axwell Vocal Remix) plays in the scene when Ben is passing through airport security.

6) His adviser was found with US$ 100,000.00 in his underwear and R$ 200,000.00 in a suitcase while trying to pass through airport security.

7) But this time Mr. Daitch stuffed the engine block into his suitcase and checked it onto the flight after passing through airport security .

8) Airport security footage of the hijackers as they passed through airport security

9) It could be lying doggo and waiting to bite you in the bum as you pass through airport security.




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