
partially attribute in a sentence

1) The mild pace can be partially attributed to seasonal trends.

2) This can be partially attributed to tighter underwriting standards following the financial crisis.

attribute collocations
3) This has been partially attributed to some of the investigators of the theory.

4) Daft Punk's popularity has been partially attributed to their appearances in mainstream media.

partially attribute example sentences

5) Schizophrenia may be partially attributed to a lack in activity in the frontal lobe.

6) The prevalence of color-blindness is partially attributed to lack of knowledge or lack of exposure.

7) Previously, research has noted differences in results can be partially attributed to different scoring approaches.

8) The scattered nature of the artifacts is attributed partially to repeated plowing of the topsoil.

9) Some rainstorms may also be partially attributed to the lake effect in fall and spring.

10) This may be partially attributed to the differences in levels of development in the region.

11) MPS spokesmen partially attributed Dinh's arrest to his defense of political dissidents in court.

12) The shutdown of the plants can be partially attributed to the recession of the early 1990s.

13) St. Martin's popularity can be partially attributed to his adoption by successive royal houses of France.

14) The inertia is partially attributed to the cancellation of the Access to the Region's Core project.

example sentences with attribute

15) This disproportional wastage has been partially attributed to food packaging sizes being largely inappropriate for people living on their own.

16) The trailer's success was partially attributed to the film's stars promoting the trailer on their personal social networks.

17) This surge of interest in the Civil War by the African-American community is partially attributed to the 1989 movie Glory.

18) This can be partially attributed to the large number of trees, especially as trees line grid roads in most places.

19) Negative influence in The Netherlands and UK can be attributed partially to milder climate and also competition from natural gas supply.

20) Even so, this approach enables users to partially attribute a minimum number of conversions to make an educated guess on return.

21) This rapid increase is partially attributed to the measures which are introduced to alleviate the problem but in the long run have had inflationary results.

22) The use of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis was becoming more common at the same time, and the reduction in surgical infections could be at least partially attributed to this measure.

23) Eldorado Palace Casino No Deposit Code 2014 The crack down the prevalence of was partially attributed the Microgaming studios, able to play 2006 census estimated the Canadian Android between the two.

24) While no single definitive cause has been determined, medical experts believe that among other things, adult acne can be partially attributed to a person's diet.

25) This stiffening may be partially attributed to CAFs secreting lysyl oxidase (LOX), an enzyme that cross-links the collagen IV found in the ECM.

26) The Lakers' three-game losing streak was partially attributed to D'Antoni reintegrating Gasol into the starting lineup over Clark, making the team taller but slower.

27) Life expectancy variation between countries can be partially attributed to the type of political regime, whether that be Fascist, Communist, Conservative, and Social-Democratic.

28) On April 3, 2012, U.S. cattle futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were at a 3.5-month low, which was partially attributed to the "pink slime" controversy.

29) Academic doping is partially attributed to the meteoric rise in the written prescriptions to combat disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

30) The report partially attributed it to the shorter length of service, as a barrier to putting women in the most demanding and important jobs.

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