
owner association in a sentence

1) What a web of deceipt the taxi owners association is weaving.

2) There is no active covenant committee, architectural committee or home owners association.

association collocations
3) I am the president of a home owners association in North Carolina.

4) The purchasers usually form an owners' association and subcontract that to a management company.

owner association example sentences

5) These new laws prohibit home owners associations and city government from banning the installation of antennas.

6) A majority of owners at 1950 are part of the Arc 1950 owners' Association.

7) Find out if there is a home owner's association that establishes community rules and regulations.

8) Employee had to mow the lawn to avoid a lawsuit from the home owner's association.

9) She is a perfectionist by nature and currently serves as head of the home owner's association.

10) The mine operators often formed mine owners' associations in response, setting up the conditions for a conflict.

11) The property owners' association shall provide the results of the recount to each owner who requested the recount.

12) The Master Property owners association became a chartered not for profit property owners association on September 15, 1965.

13) One of the boats raced was the Salcombe Yawl for which an owner's association has been set up.

14) At leat five local authorities are now facing legal action by private home owners' associations over 'unreasonable' contracts.

example sentences with association

15) Most of the chalets are privately owned under an owners' association but most are rented for longer or shorter periods.

16) In order to comply with the regulatory requirements, ETA Star has commenced the process of setting up an interim owners association.

17) Like every other lively class the Topper has an owners' association which organizes rallies, open meetings, national and international championships.

18) Protective covenants and a home owner's association as well as paved roads, underground wiring and community water system are in place to enhance and protect your investment.

19) They want to lower barriers to competition. pink air max The closure notices issued to 22 labs have irked the lab owners association.

20) Dues paying members of a property owners association organized as a non-profit corporation brought suit for breach of fiduciary duty and fraud against the general manager of the association.

21) I. At any time after perfecting the lien pursuant to this section, the property owners' association may sell the lot at public sale, subject to prior liens.

22) Notice, quorum, and voting provisions contained in the bylaws of the property owners' association apply to any meeting called by the election committee.

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